Floodplain Information Stay Updated
Management Agency (FEMA) will be holding two Public Open House Meetings on February 6 & 7, 2012, The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Federal Emergency to discuss the new Herkimer and Oneida Counties Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in general. If you have questions about the preliminary DFIRM, please visit http://rampp-team.com/ or contact Paul Weberg at (212) 680-3638 or [email protected]. If you have questions about the NFIP, floodplain management, or flood insurance, please contact Jason Fenn at (212) 680-3624 or [email protected]. The NYSDEC floodplain management section, at (518) 402-8185, can answer questions about both the map and the NFIP in general.
Map Modernization: What is it? The local Map Modernization project is part of a nationwide effort to update the country's flood hazard maps so that they reflect the most current flood risks. Herkimer and Oneida County residents and businesses now have up-to-date, reliable, Internet-accessible information about their flood risk on a property-by-property basis.
How are residents and businesses affected? FEMA has developed a website to help Herkimer and Oneida County property owners view the change in flood hazard designation. The website is located at http://www.rampp-team.com/ny.htm
Why Update the Maps? Why Now? Flood hazard maps, also known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps, are important tools in the effort to protect lives and properties. Over time, water flow and drainage patterns have changed dramatically due to surface erosion, land use, and natural forces.
New Maps = A Safer Public By showing the extent to which areas are at risk for flooding, the new flood maps will help home and business owners understand their current flood risk and make more informed decisions about protecting their property. These maps will also allow community planners, local officials, engineers, builders, and others to make important determinations about where and how new structures and developments should be built to maximize safety.
Village Newsletters
Fall Winter Newsletter 2024 Fall Winter Newsletter 2024
Spring Newsletter 2019 (PDF - 2.7 MB)
Spring News Letter 2017 (PDF - 641.8 KB)
Spring 2016 Newsletter (PDF - 567.3 KB)
Fall Village Newsletter 2016 (PDF - 599.3 KB)
Spring 2015 Newsletter (PDF - 828.6 KB)
Fall Newsletter 2019 (PDF - 2.6 MB)
Spring Newsletter 2020 (PDF - 2.9 MB)
Spring Newsletter 2021 (PDF - 4.0 MB)
Spring/Summer Newsletter 2023 (PDF - 4.0 MB)

The Village board of trustees meet on the first Tuesday of each month. If there is a change due to a holiday or emergency situation, the change will be posted on the calendar of the Village website, it will also be posted on the Village of Yorkville Facebook page.
Minutes Entries
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak were also present. Excused from the meeting was Trustee Deborah L. Constas and Police Chief Frank A. Allen both due to injuries.
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for the passing of Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak’s mother, Judy Hyde.
Motion 06-2025 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 07-2025 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $203,007.41 made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 08-2025 was made to approve the results of the Annual Justice Court Review performed by Clerk/Treasurer Nowak. Clerk/Treasurer Nowak did not find any discrepancies and all monies and reporting were in order.
Public Comment- A resident residing at Russell Ave. was present to ask the board why Russell Ave has always been and remains to be no parking even during non-snow emergencies. He is a renter of the property, and the board explained that the landlord is responsible to provide 1.5 parking spots per dwelling. The board will review the street parking with the Chiefs of the Fire and Police departments, as the issue of no parking on most village streets allows for the safe travel of snow lows and emergency vehicles through the streets.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco thanked the DPW as we once again had significant snowfalls occurring across multiple days.
Trustee Sassone had nothing to report at this meeting.
Trustee Constas was excused from this meeting.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board members to approve a motion to override the tax cap for tax year 2025-2026 if necessary. The reason for overriding the tax cap would be because of the rising costs of health insurance, vehicle ad building insurance as well as the addition of full-time police officers to better serve the community. Trustee Morosco made the motion with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea. All in favor 4-0.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney had nothing to report
Polie Report Written but also Chief Allen wanted to inform residents that there have been a few cases of unlocked vehicles being rummaged through and valuables stolen as well as a vehicle that was stolen from a business as it was left running. The Chief urges everyone to please lock their vehicles and keep valuables out of sight. He also wants to warm people from confronting someone on their own. Call the police and do not engage with the suspect, this can be dangerous.
DPW all set catching up from the storms and getting ready for two more that are on the way.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report no Zoning Meeting was held in January.
Motion 09-2025 was made to approve the hiring of Josh Grande for Part time police officer who would cover court security as needed and be in charge of the evidence. Motion to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 10-2025 to adjourn the meeting at 6:12pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas, Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting was Trustee Adam J. Sassone.
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for the passing of Trustee Constas' mother Irma Tuttle.
Motion 01-2025 to approve the previous month's minutes was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 02-2025 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $352,409.91 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 03-2025 was made to grant permission for Clerk/Treasurer Nowak to conduct the financial audit for Yorkville Court. Motion to approve Trustee Morosco seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor,
Motion 4-2025 was to approve the payment for the plow truck cab and chassis upon final inspection by Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to extend a sincere thank you to the DPW, Fire and Police Departments for their great work with the recent snowstorm. This area received a little over two feet of snow in three days. All employees worked hard to keep the streets and grounds safe, the police were patrolling and responding to many traffic accidents. Great team effort by all.
The Village website is down, we have a call into the company to resolve some various 'plugin' issues. We have had calls from residents asking about sidewalk plowing. Snow removal from sidewalks is and has always been the responsibility of the homeowner. The homeowner has 24 hours to remove the snow from sidewalks. The village does recognize that this was a large amount pf snow, and some residents may need additional time to remove the snow. If the snow is not cleared the village will remove the snow and a fee for removal will be sent to the homeowner. This is under Village Local Law Article Ill § 115-3.
The property of 67 Whitesboro St. that has frontage on Oriskany Blvd. has been researched and the correct owner listed has been contacted to remove the cars.
It is great to see four students from the Whitesboro Central School Government class attending the board meeting for class credit.
Deputy Mayor Collea also thanked the DPW, Fire and Police departments for their storm efforts. He thanked all the participants from the Fire and Police departments for Santa detail.
Trustee Morosco echoed the same and thanked the departments.
Trustee Constas thanked Joseph Morosco and John Constas for decorating the West Whitesboro St. Gazebo.
Public comment was opened: a discussion was had about the sidewalk plowing as discussed above.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's Office. The village attorney was excused from this meeting.
Polie Report Written
DPW all set catching up from the storms.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village clerk's office.
Motion 05-2025 to adjourn the meeting at 6:13pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone, Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
Motion 58-2024 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 59-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $62,150.86 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 60-2024 was made to grant permission for Clerk/Treasurer Nowak to conduct the financial audit for the Yorkville Court. Motion to approve Trustee Sassone seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor
Public comment was opened: a resident wanted to speak and inform the board and public that anyone can speak during a public hearing regardless of where they reside.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report
Trustee Morosco wanted to inform everyone that the Fire Department will be around the village on December 20th and 21st for the annual Santa detail. They will start at 5pm both evenings. Trustee Morosco stated that the Fire Department held their annual induction meeting, and all line officers and board members were voted on.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone wanted to say how well the DPW did with keeping up with the leaves this year.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney was excused from this meeting.
Polie Report as given by Chief call volume is again up from last year; the officers have been doing a great job keeping up with the calls and completing case work. Chief Allen also warned everyone of the holiday season and that this is the time to keep an eye on packages that you have ordered. Try to make sure that you have someone home and be aware of when you will be receiving packages. The Police will be participating in several holiday events including Yorkville’s ‘Shop with a Cop.’ Chief Allen has been given information on deserving families from Whitesboro School District and is waiting for information from New York Mills School District for another family.
DPW Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco asked permission to hire eric David as a Heavy Equipment Operator to fill an open position. Deputy Mayor Collea made Motion 61-2024 with a second from Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village clerk’s office.
Mayor Mahoney asked for the board’s permission to appoint Stephanie Nowak as ‘cleaner’ for the village offices. Trustee Morosco made Motion 62-2024 to approve Stephanie Nowak as cleaner with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Mahoney informed the board that the village has been requesting estimates to pave the island in the front of the building. They would like to award the contract to Siteworx at a cost of $59,352.00. Motion 63-2024 to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 63-2024 to adjourn the meeting at 6:23pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Police Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting was Village Attorney John Dillon.
Motion 54-2024 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 55-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $205,063.52 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 56-2024 was made to approve the resolution for an Intermunicipal Agreement among Oneida County and the municipalities within the Oneida County Sewerr District providing for the preservation of access rights, and continuance of public ownership, of each such municipalities’ sewer collection and conveyance systems during such times as improvements to such systems are financed through the Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC). The motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea:
Mayor Mahoney - Yes
Trustee Morosco - Yes
Trustee Constas - Yes
Trustee Sassone - Yes
Public comment was opened: a resident inquired into the number of false fire calls from the House of the Good Shepard, the calls have been less than before averaging two to three per week.
Deputy Mayor Collea thanked the DPW for keeping up with the leaves and avoiding them blowing all around the village.
Trustee Morosco wanted to inform everyone that they have decided to cancel this year’s Roast Beef dinner. They will resume the dinner next year. Trustee Morosco also commented that the Halloween Parade was a great success.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone wanted to mention that he saw many new faces at the Halloween Parade and party at the fire house, he hopes they will continue to join the party for the years to come. Trustee Morosco would like to have a plan for the tree lighting and something we can do as a village.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney was excused from this meeting.
Polie Report as given by Chief Allen and is also written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. First order of business was to welcome part-time officer William Murnion to the Village of Yorkville and to swear in our new part-time officers promoted to full-time for the Village of Yorkville. Michael Firley and Savka Browneski. Chief Allen, using funding obtained through the LTECH grant, was able to purchase night vision spotlight cameras. This will help the officers to see heat in the darkness, thus saving them from turning on their spotlight and being seen allowing a suspect the opportunity to hide from them.
DPW had no report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village clerks office.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank the high school students who attended tonight’s meeting for class credit.
Motion 57-2024 to adjourn the meeting at 6:20pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Police Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting was Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Village Attorney John Dillon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney followed by a moment of silence for Chief Nicholas J. Morosco.
Motion 49-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, which include the organizational meeting, and the regular meeting was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 50-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $112,854.48made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was opened:
A resident from Dudley Ave. was present to express interest in acquiring ownership of Candee Ave. Candee Ave is a ‘paper street’ abandoned street, the runs between Dudley and Myers Ave. It was presented previously to the residents bordering the property if they had any interest in ‘purchasing the property’. The Village was not selling the property, but the residents would have to pay for the attorney fees and for the property to be surveyed. At that time there were only a few residents that expressed interest. Since this was proposed to residents, the village had to add drainage to Candee Ave. thus making it a necessity that the village have access to this to perform maintenance on the drainage pipe if needed. This resident wanted to acquire Candee Ave with the goal of fencing it to her property. This is something that will need to be discussed as the village has to maintain of right of way and the fence would hinder that right of way.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco wanted to thank everyone for their condolences on the passing of his son Nicholas Morosco. Trustee Morosco also reported that there will be Halloween Parade this year, the details will be posted on the Fire Department Facebook page.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone reported that the summer program has wrapped up and he and Trustee Edwards from New York Mills who we share the program with will be getting together to make any necessary changes.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney was excused from this meeting.
Chief Allen was present with the police report that is also written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. Chief Allen asked the board members to make motion on the following request. To approve full time status for the current Village of Yorkville part time police officers Michael Firley and Savka Browneski. Motion 52-2024 to approve the full-time status of both Firley and Browneski was made by Deputy Mayor Collea with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Chief Allen also reported on the current grants received by the police department. The Traffic Safety grant for October 2024 – September 2025 was increased in total grant funding for the Police Department for the total amount of $9120. The department was also once again awarded a child passenger safety grant in the amount of $3100. They also received a grant in the amount of $55,000 from Congressman Williams. The new patrol vehicle is in which was purchased on grant from DCJS and is awaiting the equipment to be installed. Mayor Mahoney asked the Chief to describe to everyone the TruNarc tested that was purchased from the technology grant. This TruNarc product is a drug tester that uses infrared light to test a substance through whatever the container is, thus cutting down on the likelihood of an accidental overdoes or contamination by the officers.
DPW had no report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
There was no new business for the Zoning Board the board did not meet in September.
Mayor Mahoney had a closing statement in honor of Chief Nicholas Morosco and what he meant to the village and how much he will be missed by everyone.
Motion 53-2024 to adjourn the meeting at 6:14pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent Jospeh Morosco and Police Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting was Trustee Deborah Constas.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 41-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, which include the organizational meeting, and the regular meeting was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 42-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $153,175.46 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was opened:
A resident from Campbell Ave. wanted to bring to attention the opened water valve in the street in front of her house. Deputy Mayor Collea said he would have it taken care of. She also had questions about the neighborhood watch program and if anyone was still active. Deputy Mayor Collea stated that the community had tried a neighborhood watch group several years ago and it was not successful with the number of residents who joined. She also wanted to thank the Fire Department who helped her when she called for help. She said they were professional and courteous.
Another resident was present to thank Chief Allen for his help on a situation with a tenant who lived next door to a friend and was making the living conditions on that street hard to bear. Chief Allen had worked with the landlord and hopefully he can help control the situation so that the neighbors will have some peace.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas was excused from this meeting.
Trustee Sassone spoke about the summer program. It is again a joint program with New York Mills hosted at the New York Mills school. This program is free of charge and open to any New York Mills or Yorkville resident. It has been going well and of course there is always room for improvement next year.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney had nothing to report.
Chief Allen was present with the police report that is also written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. Chief Allen asked the board members to make motion on the following requests. The Village of Yorkville has proposed a three-year contract with Whitesboro Middle School to have an SRO present in the school during the school year during school hours. Motion 43-2024 to approve the three-year contract was made by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 44-2024 was a request to accept the resignation of part time police officer Frank Candella. Officer Candella served the Village of Yorkville well but has other career obligations that do not allow for the time to be employed with Yorkville. Motion 44-2024 to approve resignation was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 45-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to hire James Toomey as a part time police officer who will be the SRO officer in Whitesboro School; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 46-2024 made by Trustee Morosco was made to approve Chief Allens request for the addition of a Police Lieutenant position. Trustee Sassone made a second to the motion, all approved; 4-0.
Motion 47-2024 was the approval of the promotion of Steven Armstrong from Patrol Officer to the position of Lieutenant. Steven retired from the Rome City police department where he held the position of lieutenant. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
DPW had no report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and n file at the clerks office.
There was no new business for the Zoning Board and the July meeting was cancelled.
Motion 48-2024 to adjourn the meeting at 6:29pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent Jospeh Morosco and Police Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting was Trustee Deborah Constas.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 41-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, which include the organizational meeting, and the regular meeting was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 42-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $153,175.46 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was opened:
A resident from Campbell Ave. wanted to bring to attention the opened water valve in the street in front of her house. Deputy Mayor Collea said he would have it taken care of. She also had questions about the neighborhood watch program and if anyone was still active. Deputy Mayor Collea stated that the community had tried a neighborhood watch group several years ago and it was not successful with the number of residents who joined. She also wanted to thank the Fire Department who helped her when she called for help. She said they were professional and courteous.
Another resident was present to thank Chief Allen for his help on a situation with a tenant who lived next door to a friend and was making the living conditions on that street hard to bear. Chief Allen had worked with the landlord and hopefully he can help control the situation so that the neighbors will have some peace.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas was excused from this meeting.
Trustee Sassone spoke about the summer program. It is again a joint program with New York Mills hosted at the New York Mills school. This program is free of charge and open to any New York Mills or Yorkville resident. It has been going well and of course there is always room for improvement next year.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney had nothing to report.
Chief Allen was present with the police report that is also written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. Chief Allen asked the board members to make motion on the following requests. The Village of Yorkville has proposed a three-year contract with Whitesboro Middle School to have an SRO present in the school during the school year during school hours. Motion 43-2024 to approve the three-year contract was made by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 44-2024 was a request to accept the resignation of part time police officer Frank Candella. Officer Candella served the Village of Yorkville well but has other career obligations that do not allow for the time to be employed with Yorkville. Motion 44-2024 to approve resignation was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 45-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to hire James Toomey as a part time police officer who will be the SRO officer in Whitesboro School; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 46-2024 made by Trustee Morosco was made to approve Chief Allens request for the addition of a Police Lieutenant position. Trustee Sassone made a second to the motion, all approved; 4-0.
Motion 47-2024 was the approval of the promotion of Steven Armstrong from Patrol Officer to the position of Lieutenant. Steven retired from the Rome City police department where he held the position of lieutenant. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
DPW had no report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and n file at the clerks office.
There was no new business for the Zoning Board and the July meeting was cancelled.
Motion 48-2024 to adjourn the meeting at 6:29pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
June 2, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 6:00PM.
Present for the June meeting was Deputy Mayor Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 39-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 40-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $123,731.64. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
A member of the public spoke about a resident who was having trouble with a resident next door who was occupying a rental property. The police have been involved and there has been progress made.
Deputy Mayor Collea – Thanked Trustee Sassone who has for the fifth year, headed the Yorkville Family Fun Night. It was a huge success and a lot of fun. He also thanked the Fire Department members as well as the Yorkville Police who were also present and contributed to the event. Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to recognize Mayor Mahoney for having 30 Years of service to the Village of Yorkville in an elected official capacity. Congratulations Mayor!
Trustee David Morosco – Reiterated what Deputy Mayor Collea stated and thanked everyone who was involved with the fun night. Trustee Morosco updated on the new ladder truck. The members have been formally trained and have been basing their training around active duty with the new truck. Yorkville Fire Department members walked in the Deerfield Parade with Whitesboro and placed for marching without music. They all collaborated and donated the money they won back to the Deerfield Fire Department. The Chicken BBQ was a success, the Yorkville Fire Department is donating $1500 to the Believe 271 fund which helps firefighters in their time of need.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone Had a great turn out for the Family Fun Night! Stewarts Shops once again was a huge sponsor and donated money for the bounce houses and had employees present with ice cream for the residents. Venice pizza offered the Village to purchase pizza for a discounted price and Venaro Bounce house donated one bounce house rental. Thank you to all of our sponsors. The joint summer program between New York mills and Yorkville will begin on July 8th, Mayor Mahoney interjected and stated that any child in the program who does not have money for any trips will be paid for by the Village of Yorkville, Mayor Mahoney does not want any child to feel left out.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway Superintendent Morosco was not present due to fire department training.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department written
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney- wanted to thank everyone for his 30 years of elected service, “it has been a pleasure and an honor working with everyone.” Mayor Mahoney thanked the DPW for working on July 4th to not interrupt the garbage collection schedule. They will be taking Friday the 5th off instead and making it a 3-day weekend to spend with family and friends. The Village has finally received the second round of Hometown Hero Banners and the DPW will be working to get these hung in time for July 4th.
Motion 41-2024 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:31PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by deputy Mayor Collea all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
Meeting was held on Tuesday July 2, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm.
Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea; Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officers John Constas
George Farley
Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco
Historian Vacant
Fire Equipment Caretaker Joseph Morosco
Attorney John W. Dillon
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Vacant
MOTION 30-2024 To accept the above appointments was made by: Trustee Morosco
SECONDED BY: Trustee Constas
Official Meeting Night- First Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. Approval of vouchers by Board Members at 5:30PM prior to the regular meeting, in the Board Room of the Municipal Building.
Organizational Meeting- First Tuesday in July 2023 at 6:00PM in the Board Room of the Muncipal Building.
Official Banks – Adirondack Bank of Whitesboro and Berkshire Bank of Whitesboro.
Official Newspaper- Utica Observer Dispatch and Rome Sentinel
Motion 31-2024 to accept designated dates and vendors made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
- New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials by NYCOM
- The Annual Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerk conducted by NYCOM
- Training Schools for Codes Officers, Zoning Officers all Board Members and other pertinent seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools conducted by various organizations and societies, Cooperative Extension and local Colleges and
Whereas, it is determined by the Board of Trustees that attendance by certain Municipal Officials, Appointees and Employees at one or more of these and other similar seminars, meetings, training sessions, and schools benefit the Municipality.
Section 1. That the following officers and appointees are hereby authorized to attend seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools – Mayor Mahoney, Trustees Collea, Constas, Morosco and Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Attorney Dillon, Codes Officer Farley, Zoning Officer Constas, Justice Kulaga, Members of the Zoning Boards and those deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees at a time announced.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take place immediately.
MOTION 32-2024 to accept above Resolution made by Deuty Mayor Collea
Seconded by Trustee Morosco
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
Whereas, there are times that the Mayor calls a special meeting to resolve a matter at hand,
That when a special meeting is called by the Mayor-
- He or the Clerk shall notify each Board Member in person or by telephone advising each member of the time and location of the Special Meeting;
- The Clerk shall issue a Notice of Special Meeting, one copy of which shall be posted by the back door of the Board Room entrance and another notice on the bulletin board near the inside Board Room entrance of the Truck Room;
- In the event that there is sufficient time to give notice of the Special Meeting being called, a notice may be mailed to each Board Member;
- A copy of the notice shall be given to the media;
- A notice shall be made on the Village webpage calender.
This Resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 33-2024 to accept above resolution made by: Trustee Constas
Seconded by: Trustee Sassone
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
WHEREAS, Municipal Law requires all Municipalities to adopt procurement policies effective January 1, 1972, and
WHEREAS, the Village adopted a Procurement Policy on December 11, 1991 as listed in the CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, chapter 25 starting on page 2501.
That it should be the policy that goods and services which are not required by law to be bid, may be procured by obtaining proposals or quotes as refernced in Chapter 25-4, Methods of Purchase of the above CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, not to exceed the bid limits of $10,000 for purchase contracts and $20,000 for work contracts.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately; and shall be reviewed yearly.
Motion 34-2024 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Collea
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
WHEREAS, all such claims shall be presented for audit at the regular meeting, and
WHEREAS, the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same, shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
That the Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, express charges, insurance and bills for refuse, and court fines, such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant or officer incurring or approving same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
This resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 35-2024 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
WHEREAS, NYS has required the Village of Yorkville to set a standard workday and salary for all appointed and elected employees, a schedule has been set and is included in this Resolution.
That the board of Trustees requires each elected and appointed employee report their hours of work for the Village, for each of three pay periods after appointment or election to the Village Clerk.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 36-2024 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
WHEREAS, Village Law 5-524 provides that the actual and necessary expenses of all Officers and employees incurred in the performance of duties shall be a Village charge, The Board of Trustees determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage reimbursement to Officers and employees of the Village who use their personal vehicles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village of Yorkville outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 1. That the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such Officers and Employees at the rate of .67 cents per mile outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 37-2024 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea
Ayes 5 Nays 0 Adopted July 2, 2024
Mayor Mahoney named his official Family:
Mayor Mahoney, Chief Financial Officer and oversees all departments.
Deputy Mayor James G. Collea
Police Chairman James G. Collea
Fire Chairman David Morosco
Highway, Refuse, Sewers Chairman James G. Collea
Buildings and Grounds Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Parks and Recreation Chairman Adam Sassone
Zoning and Codes Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Jutice Court Liason Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Finance Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Civil Defense Chairman David J. Morosco
MOTION 38-2024 to adjourn made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea
All in favor 5-0, Passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
June 4, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 6:02PM.
Present for the June meeting was Deputy Mayor Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent and Fire Chief Joseph Morosco and Zoning Officer John Constas.
Motion 26-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 27-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $40,285.43. The motion was made by Trustee Constas and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 28-2024 to approve the hiring of a part time police officer Savka Browneski pending results of a background check. Motion to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
A member of the public spoke about the residents who use private haulers for waste. He stated that the containers sometimes sit on the street for days until they are collected. We will ask the DPW to keep an eye on this and issue red-tag violations for any waste cans that are left at the curb.
Deputy Mayor Collea – Nothing to report
Trustee David Morosco – Fire Department Chicken BBQ will be held this Sunday June 9th noon until sold out. As the previous year this year again will be drive thru only. The Yorkville Police Department will also be present to conduct car seat safety inspections.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone wanted to thank DPW for their hard work during trash pickup. There was a lot of trash out and the village looks great. Summer Park music series starts this month. The Villages of Yorkville and New York Mills are once again partnering up to offer the summer program held at New York Mills school, that is open to all residents of New York Mills and Yorkville. Yorkville will be hosting its annual Family Fun Night in the Campbell Ave. Park on June 26th at 4pm. Stewarts Shops is once again sponsoring the fun night with a donation for food and free ice cream.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway Superintendent Morosco informed the board that they picked 26 tons of trash during the first large trash pick-up of the year.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department The chicken BBQ will be held on June 9th.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney- we have begun a new year and finished the 2023/2024 budget in good standing. Thank you, Trustee Constas, for your hard work in the parks with the flowers and the well-deserved upgrade. Thank you to all the residents who attend the meetings and have ideas for the growth of our community.
Motion 29-2024 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:20PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by deputy Mayor Collea all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
May 7, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 6PM.
Present for the May meeting were Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea was excused from this meeting. Village Attorney John Dillon was present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent and Fire Chief Joseph Morosco and Zoning Officer John Constas.
Motion 21-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 22-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $91,889.99. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 23-2024 to approve the 2024/2025 tax collection by the Town of Whitestown for the Village of Yorkville. Trustee Morosco made the motion to approve, with a second from Trustee Sassone; all in favor 3-0.
Motion 24-2024 to approve a resolution to participate in the Mohawk Valley Stormwater Coalition, motion was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0.
A member of the public spoke to inform the board that he attended the public meeting on the future of the St. Lukes hospital campus. The meeting was held at the New York Mills school and the public was asked to speak about the designs that were presented.
Deputy Mayor Collea - Excused
Trustee David Morosco – had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone updated the board about the joint summer program with New York Mills and the band concert schedule.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway nothing to report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department The chicken BBQ will be held on June 9th.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney- The village has begun the process of purchasing a new snowplow. We will be using CHIPS money to fund the purchase of the snowplow. The Village will pay up front and be reimbursed in total for the snowplow.
Memorial Day service will be held and headed by the fire department.
Motion 25-2024 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:18PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone All in favor 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
April 3, 2024 – Budget Public Hearing
The Public Hearing for the 2023/2024 Budget of the Village of Yorkville was called to order at 5:45PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Deborah L. Constas. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Police Chief Frank Allen. Trustee Sassone was excused from this hearing.
Clerk Nowak read the Legal Notice for the public hearing. Mayor Mahoney went through the budget and called notice to any changes.
There were no questions or comments from the public, Motion 16-2024 to close the Public Hearing at 5:51pm was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 3-0.
April 4, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 6PM.
Motion 17-2024 was made by Trustee Constas to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 18-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $55,341.63. The motion was made by Trustee Constas and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 19-2024 to approve the 2024/2025 budget which includes a tax increase of .25 per thousand. Deputy Mayor Collea made the motion to approve, with a second from Trustee Constas; all in favor 3-0.
There was a question from the public regarding the Zoning Board. The resident was curious if the Village Board was able to get involved in the decision-making process of the Zoning Board when ruling on a variance. The Village Board does get involved when it comes to the matter of a variance request.
Deputy Mayor Collea – stated that the spring/summer newsletter is being worked on.
Trustee David Morosco – had nothing to report
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone excused from the meeting.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway nothing to report
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney- Mastrovito Hyundai will be sponsoring an Autism walk April 22. Frank Mastrovito has asked for the help of the police department with road closures as the 500 walkers walk through the village. Mr. Mastrovito also welcomed anyone who would like to join them for the walk, all are welcome.
Yorkville had an additional 16 Mohawk Valley Hometown Heros banners requested.
Motion 20-2024 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:16PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
April 3, 2024 – Budget Public Hearing
The Public Hearing for the 2023/2024 Budget of the Village of Yorkville was called to order at 5:45PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Deborah L. Constas. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Police Chief Frank Allen. Trustee Sassone was excused from this hearing.
Clerk Nowak read the Legal Notice for the public hearing. Mayor Mahoney went through the budget and called notice to any changes.
There were no questions or comments from the public, Motion 16-2024 to close the Public Hearing at 5:51pm was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 3-0.
April 4, 2024 - Regular Monthly Meeting
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Mahoney at 6PM.
Motion 17-2024 was made by Trustee Constas to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 18-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $55,341.63. The motion was made by Trustee Constas and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 19-2024 to approve the 2024/2025 budget which includes a tax increase of .25 per thousand. Deputy Mayor Collea made the motion to approve, with a second from Trustee Constas; all in favor 3-0.
There was a question from the public regarding the Zoning Board. The resident was curious if the Village Board was able to get involved in the decision-making process of the Zoning Board when ruling on a variance. The Village Board does get involved when it comes to the matter of a variance request.
Deputy Mayor Collea – stated that the spring/summer newsletter is being worked on.
Trustee David Morosco – had nothing to report
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone excused from the meeting.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway nothing to report
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney- Mastrovito Hyundai will be sponsoring an Autism walk April 22. Frank Mastrovito has asked for the help of the police department with road closures as the 500 walkers walk through the village. Mr. Mastrovito also welcomed anyone who would like to join them for the walk, all are welcome.
Yorkville had an additional 16 Mohawk Valley Hometown Heros banners requested.
Motion 20-2024 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:16PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 5-2024 to approve the previous month’s minutes, was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 6-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $64,802.60 made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 7-2024 to approve the Annual Review of Justice Court Records as conducted by Clerk/Treasurer Nowak along with Justice Kulaga. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 8-2024 was made by Trustee Constas to change the dates of the April and November meetings due to the upcoming primary and presidential election. Trustee Morosco seconded the motion, all in favor 4-0. The dates will be April 3 and November 6.
Motion 9-2024 was made to approve the hire of part time officer Firley at the leisure of appointment by Chief Allen. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 10-2024 to approve the 2024 Heart Run and Walk was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to address the board and explain that public comment is a privilege and not required by the New York State Open Meeting Law. Mayor Mahoney asked that if anyone has an issue that they contact the Village Clerk as soon as it becomes an issue. The board meeting is not the place to address most of these concerns, as the board does always have an immediate answer and research will have to be done, if someone has a question or nuisance to report please do so at any time so that we can bring it to the proper department head for resolution. Mayor Mahoney also wanted to let everyone know that registration is now open for the Mohawk Valley Hometown Hero Banners. The cost of the banner is $150. The Village will be purchasing the brackets for the banners.
Public Comment was opened:
Fred Kulaga asked the board to take into consideration a dedication plaque he saw on the City of Utica Public Safety Building and consider doing something similar for Justice Kulaga.
Kathy Hanna was present to continue discussion about 127 Campbell Ave. This property was denied by the Zoning Board to expand and construct a garage at that property. During that meeting the owner stated that he no longer lived at the property and was renting two apartments. This home is located in an R1 Zoning District and two-family homes are not an approved use. The owner will have to apply for a variance from the Zoning Board.
Deputy Mayor Collea had no remarks.
Trustee Morosco The final inspection of the new ladder truck for the fire department will be February 19th and some of the firemen are flying to Wisconsin to complete the final inspection.
Trustee Constas had no report this month.
Trustee Sassone starting to work on band concerts and the summer program.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
DPW Jospeh Morosco commented to the lack of snow this season which has been well below average.
Codes report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Fire Department Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Zoning Board Report no meeting for January.
Chief Allen – informed the board that for 2024 the police department received a 30% increase in DWI and Traffic grant money. Chief Allen has also secured a grant in the amount of $75,000 for the purchase of a patrol vehicle. The grant will be awarded and expensed in the 2024-2025 budget year. Congressman Williams will be meeting with Chief Allen regarding a grant proposal that Chief Allen submitted to the congressman’s office requesting funding for a new building to house a police department and a possible joint public safety training facility.
Motion 11-2024 to approve summer intern for the Police Department was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 12-2024 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:24pm, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 1-2024 to approve the previous month’s minutes, was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 2-2024 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $101,123.13 made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 3-2024 to approve resolution 1-2024 for Clerk/Treasurer Nowak to perform the 2023 court audit, motion made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
A resident thanked the fire department for coming around again with Santa on the firetruck.
Deputy Mayor Collea had no remarks.
Trustee Morosco Fire Department went around the village with Santa and the firetrucks. This was the first time in years that they have done it at night, and it was a great success. The fire department asked for donations of canned goods and received a large quantity of items to be donated to Feed our Vets.
Trustee Constas had no report this month.
Trustee Sassone thanked the Fire Department for once again bringing Santa around the village on the fire truck.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
DPW report was given by Highway Superintendent Jospeh Morosco, they will be picking Christmas trees as they see them out. Possible snowstorm for this weekend, all the trucks are ready if we do get it.
Codes report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Fire Department Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Zoning Board Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Chief Allen – reported a total of 478 calls for December. The year-end report will be available for the February meeting. Christmas day there was a domestic incident that led to the recovery of a handgun. Officer Larre Harris has resigned as part-time the village. Harris works full time and Whitesboro Police Department and felt that he could not dedicate enough time to Yorkville Police. Jay’lin Roman, new part time police officer was sworn in and has been training with various officers. Interns from Utica University will be starting soon to work with the police department. The department will also be partnering once again with Herkimer Oneida County Boces to provide ride along opportunities to students interested in furthering education in criminal justice.
Students were present from Whitesboro High School government class to attend the meeting and take notes on the meeting. Thank you, Hailey, Ella, Mark and Angela for attending the Yorkville Village Board meeting.
Mayor Mahoney’s comment: The new Police Pick-up Truck is in. Chief Allen will be picking it up on Wednesday and bringing it to JPJ Electronics for the installation of the accessories.
Motion 4-2024 to close the meeting at 6:12pm was made by was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
The Public hearing was called to order at 5:45pm by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The purpose of this public hearing was to make increases in the amount that tow truck drivers on the Village tow rotation can charge for towing fees. The towing fees have not been adjusted since 2010. The Board was approached by a towing company with a petition from 5 towing companies asking the board to revise the towing fees. The Village of Yorkville worked with other neighboring municipalities to set comparable rates and be uniform in the charges allowed. The rates received an increase of $25 for each towing charge line item.
Motion 86-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen. Special guest for the Board of Trustees Meeting was Robert Koenig, Oneida County Legislator for the 11th district.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 87-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 88-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $192,822.54 made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 89-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the Boiler Maker Road race in July 2024, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 90-2023 to approve Local law 5 – update towing fees. Motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
A resident was present to inquire on the process for certain complaints. The Zoning Board reviews and approves or denies variances, use variances and area variances. During that review a public hearing is held to receive comments from the residents. These comments must be held to facts and questions pertaining to the request of the time. Any other complaints need to be addressed at that time with either the Village Office for questions, or the Police and Fire Departments if there is an issue or hazard that you are concerned with.
Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank Joseph Morosco for a job well done with the leaves.
Trustee Morosco Fire Department annual elections were held, and they will be supplying the Board of Trustees with a list. Santa detail will be held this year in the evening hours, Friday, and Saturday December 22nd and 23rd. this year they will be accepting donations of canned goods.
Trustee Constas had no report this month.
Trustee Sassone thanked the Fire and Police Departments for their support of the Whitesboro football team and their journey to the dome.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Motion 91-2023 was made to accept the resignation of Part-time Police Officer John Scholl.
DPW report was given by Highway Superintendent Jospeh Morosco, they have completed the all the leaves that they can. The guys went around the village and raked the leaves off of the village right of way for those areas that it was not done. This is so most of the leaves are disposed of and do not end up on the catch basins causing backups.
Codes report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Fire Department Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Zoning Board Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Mayor Mahoney’s comment: The gazebo looks great decorated for Christmas, thank you to John and Zachary Constas
Motion 92-2023 to enter executive session to discuss ongoing litigation with the village attorney at 6:17pm was made by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Executive session was closed with Motion 93-2023, there was no action taken during executive session. Motion to close at 6:35pm was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 94-2023 to close the meeting at 6:36pm was made by was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, and Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 80-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 81-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $68,193.24 made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
A resident from Myers Ave. commented that there are a lot of people who have been running the stop sign at Hillcrest. Chief Allen said he will make sure to increase the police details at that stop.
Deputy Mayor Collea had no report this month.
Trustee Morosco had no report this month.
Trustee Constas had no report this month.
Trustee Sassone thanked the Fire Department for the Halloween parade and party. He had a great time and it was a great turn out.
Motion 82-2023 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the 2024-2027 Police Bargaining Agreement. Trustee Morosco made a second to the motion, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 83-2023 to approve the DPW memorandum of agreement to add Juneteenth as a holiday was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Chief Allen’s report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Fire Chief/Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco informed the board that the DPW is getting things ready for winter and continuing to clean up the leaves as they fall.
Mayor Mahoney advised the board that we are looking into offering a defensive driving course for the employees. Champlin Ave. is open in all directions and looks great. We thank Joe Morosco for keeping tabs on the project as well as lead engineer Chirs Jordan for keeping us updated. This year was Mayor Mahoney’s first time judging the Halloween contest held at the Fire Department and he said it was a great time. The kids looked great, and they all had fun.
Motion 84-2023 was to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:18pm by Deputy Mayor Collea, with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Codes Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas and Fire Chief Joseph Morosco along with Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 73-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 74-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $104,081.67 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank the members of the Yorkville fire department for taking their weekend to test the fire hydrants.
Trustee Morosco added that the fire department had identified several hydrants that are in need of repair. The water board has been notified and they will be repaired as soon as possible.
Trustee Constas had no report this month.
Trustee Sassone stated that he is looking forward to the Halloween parade and party at the fire house. He also said that the new Mexican restaurant is delicious.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office and available for viewing during business hours.
Chief Allen’s report – The vehicle larcenies have once again begun to increase. On September 22, there were 7 larcenies and 1 vehicle theft. All of these vehicles were left unlocked, and the stolen car was left unlocked with the keys inside. There were also 10 vehicles with broken windows, in these cases valuables were left in plain sight. This does not make it right, but please, lock your doors and keep valuables away from sight. If they can’t get anything from our village, they will go away.
The Yorkville PD has secured several grants in the last few months. The traffic safety grant will give $7,975 towards payroll of officers to focus on seat belt and traffic enforcement. This also includes $1675 for a new radar. The department also received the Child Passenger Safety Seat grant in the amount of $3250 towards the purchase of car seats and educational items to help educate the public on child seat safety. The final grant awarded was a $30,000 live scan grant to upgrade the equipment needed for fingerprinting and digital upload and submitting.
Chief informed the board members of Officer Larre Harris’ resignation from full time police officer. Motion 75-2023 to approve his resignation was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Officer Harris asked if he could stay on as a part-time officer. Motion 76-2023 to approve Larre Harris as a part time officer was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Fire Chief/Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco informed the board that the DPW is getting things ready for the Fall leaf clean up and the transition to winter. The fire department will be training this evening with Whitesboro.
Mayor Mahoney thanked Chief Allen for all of his hard work securing the grant funding. And to all of the officers who have been extremely busy.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board to make a motion to move the November meeting, as it falls on Election Day and the local elections will be held in the boar room. Trustee Morosco made Motion 77-2023 to move the November meeting from November 7th to Wednesday November 8th at the same time of 6:00pm.
At this time Mayor Mahoney has asked the board to make a motion to enter executive session to speak on a personnel issue. Motion 78-2023 was made at 6:21pm by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor.
Motion 79-2023 was made at 6:36pm to exit executive session where no action was taken. The motion was made by Trustee Morosco, second by Trustee Constas, all in favor.
Motion 80-2023 was to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:36pm by Deputy Mayor Collea, with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
Public Hearing
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the public Hearing to order at 5:45pm led with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees; David J, Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was fire Chief Joseph Morosco, Zoning Officer John Constas, and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Village Attorney John Dillon was excused.
Mayor Mahoney addressed the board as well as members of the community and asked for approval in adding a stop sign at the intersection of Caroline St. and Tabor Pl. There are currently two stop signs, and the Village would like to add two others, making that intersection a four-way stop. This will help to cut down the speeds on that street.
The second public hearing item was to add a chapter to the Village of Yorkville Code, which would be Chapter 65 Alarm Systems. This chapter will cover the definition of alarms as well as false alarms. This will pertain to all businesses and residences that have automatic alarm systems. The purpose of this chapter will be to hold owners responsible for false automatic alarms. We feel it is important to protect the Village of Yorkville and the best way to do that is to try to decrease the number of false alarms that the fire department has been receiving. This will make them available for when an actual emergency does require their response.
Deputy Mayor Collea asked about alarm malfunctions and where that would be covered. Mayor Mahoney discussed that it would be the same as a false alarm. If the malfunction is not addressed and corrected it will fall to the same charges as a false alarm.
A resident asked if this was specific to only businesses and is it only for a certain business. This chapter pertains to all businesses and residences located within the Village of Yorkville Fire District.
Motion 65 -2023 to close the public hearing at 5:49pm was made by Deputy Mayor Collea and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees meeting.
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees; David J, Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was fire Chief Joseph Morosco, Zoning Officer John Constas, and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Village Attorney John Dillon was excused.
Motion 66-2023 was made to approve the previous month’s minutes by Trustee Morosco, Deputy Mayor Collea seconded the motion, passed, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 67-2023 made by Trustee Sassone was to approve the September vouchers in the amount of $53,050.26, Trustee Morosco made a second to approve the motion, all in favor 4-0.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board for a motion to approve the addition of stop signs at Caroline and Tabor making this intersection a 4-way stop. Trustee Morosco made Motion 68-2023 to approve, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Following the approval of the additional signs, Mayor Mahoney asked for a motion to add Chapter 65 Alarm Systems to the Village of Yorkville Code. Deputy Mayor Collea made Motion 69-2023 with a second from Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Judge Kulaga has asked the Board of Trustees to once again approve a resolution allowing her honor to apply for the 2023/2024 JCAP grant. The resolution was approved, and Motion 70-2023 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Chief Allen asked the board to approve the resignation of part-time police officer Danial Muha. Danial did not have the availability he had before, he works two other department’s part time and has decided to dedicate more time to those departments. Chief Allen remarked that Muha was a great asset to the department, and he is sorry to see him leave but wishes him well and said that he will always be welcomed at the Village of Yorkville Police Department. Motion 71-2023 to accept resignation was made by Deputy Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Mayor Mahoney opened the meeting for public comment of which there were no comments made.
Deputy Mayor Collea reported that the Champlin Ave. New York State project was coming along nicely and looked great. It was a long-awaited improvement.
Trustee Morosco commented that the new ladder truck for the fire department is now in production.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report at this meeting.
Trustee Sassone said the summer program has concluded; it had a few bumps in the road but hopefully next year will be a smooth one. Thank you to the police department for the donation of backpacks to the local schools.
Police Chief Allen wanted to alert the public that they have seen an uptick in car larcenies in the last weeks. He also wanted everyone to know that these larcenies were a result of vehicles being unlocked. Nothing was broken in to. He notes this doesn’t make it right, but we have to be aware and make sure we are taking precautions to protect ourselves. The new police vehicle has been ordered; we do not know a time frame for delivery as of yet. All of the additional accessories and lights have been ordered so they are in when the car is available. Chief Allen commented on the training that the officers had. All this and other information are available in the written report provided. Chief Allen thanked Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and her daughter Bella for their help with the school supply drive.
Joseph Morosco stated that the state is curbing the east side of Champlin Ave and will begin paving next week.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Chief Allen, Clerk Nowak and Fire Chief Joseph Morosco for their donation to the school supply drive, they helped make this possible.
Motion 72-2023 to close the meeting at 6:21pm was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak and Police Chief Frank Allen.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Mahoney.
Motion 58-2023 to approve the previous month’s minutes, which include the organizational meeting, regular meeting and a special meeting held, July 17 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 59-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $72,492.46 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was opened:
A Resident wanted to once again thank the DPW for putting up the next batch of Hometown Hero Banners. There was a complaint about 56 Myers Ave. The grass is not kept up with and there is garbage piled up on the back porch. The resident also complained of cats and excessive mice being left on his property. The resident fears that the increased mouse population is coming the mess at the back of the house at 56 Myers. The homeowner has been issued a violation by the Code Enforcement Officer; the homeowner failed to remedy the situation. The Code Officer has issued the Village Justice a request for a court proceeding to take care of the violation.
Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to welcome Zachary Constas as the newest member of the Yorkville DPW.
Trustee Morosco wanted to thank Chief Allen for giving the fire department a few sets of ballistic gear from his grant.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone spoke about the GoGov phone app, the company is willing to adjust the cost to only $2600.00 per year. The board will have to discuss this further at some point.
Financial Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village attorney had nothing to report.
Chief Allen was present with the police report that is also written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. Chief Allen wanted to let the public as well as the board members have a look at the body armor that was purchased by the Village on a grant that Chief Allen wrote and was awarded. The armor includes heavy vests, helmets, and shields. Chief Allen donated 4 sets of gear to the Fire Department. Chief Allen stated that if there are any medical emergencies the fire department will also have to go into a situation where the gear may be needed.
DPW had no report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
There was no new business for the Zoning Board and the July meeting was cancelled.
Motion 60-2023 to adjourn the meeting at 6:25pm was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
Special Meeting
Mayor Mahoney called the special meeting to order at 5pm, present were Deputy Mayor Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco.
Presented before the board is the Application for Zachary Constas. Mr. Constas has applied for the position of Heavy Equipment Operator. The opening was advertised in the Utica Observer Dispatch.
Motion 58 -2023 to hire Zachary Constas was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco, All in favor 3-0. Trustee Constas refrained from voting as Zachary Constas is her son.
Trustee Sassone spoke about an opportunity to purchase a Village of Yorkville app for cell phones. This app will allow residents to receive push notifications about Village events, such as Garage Sales days, concerts, weather etc. The cost is $3600.00 per year. Trustee Collea expressed concern over the number of older residents that do not have internet access and are not cell phone educated. Would the app reach the number of people we would hope it to? This will be tabled to the August meeting and discussed further after the board members have time to think about the cost.
Mayor Mahoney explained a grant opportunity between the Villages of Yorkville and New York Mills. The Department of State Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant Program is a grant allowing two villages to apply as working together. The village of New York Mills has a grant writer that will prepare the grant for the villages. The grant has a match percent that will be paid between the Villages of Yorkville and New York Mills.
Village of Yorkville Grant Resolution
WHEREAS, the village of Yorkville is applying to the Department of State Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant Program in conjunction with the Village of New York Mills for a project entitled the “Villages of New York Mills and Yorkville Joint Comprehensive Plan Update” to be located in the Villages of New York Mills and Yorkville;
WHEREAS, the applicant municipality may obtain the approval/endorsement of the governing body of the municipality or municipalities in which the project will be located;
WHEREAS, THE Department of State, pursuant to the Department of State Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant regulations requires an applicant to fund up to 10% of the total project cost, pursuant to the grant program;
WHEREAS, 10% of the total project cost, pursuant to the grant program will be secured in cash and in in kind services to be split by both villages;
NO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the governing board of the Village of Yorkville hereby does approve and endorse the application for a grant under the Smart Growth Comprehensive Planning Grant Program, for a project known as “The Villages of New York Mills and Yorkville Joint Comprehensive Plan Update” and located within these communities.
Trustee David Morosco made Motion 59 - 2023 to accept the resolution “Villages of New York Mills and Yorkville Joint Comprehensive Plan Update, Deputy Mayor James Collea seconded the motion.
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney - Yes
Deputy Mayor James G. Collea - Yes
Trustee David J. Morosco - Yes
Trustee Deborah L. Constas - Yes
Trustee Adam J. Sassone - Yes
I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Village Board of Trustees of the Village of Yorkville at the special meeting on Monday July 17th and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Trustee Sassone asked about new mulch for the playground. We have researched and would like to use the synthetic mulch required for play areas. The mulch will be the same as the local schools use for their play areas. The mulch will be placed in the playground area only. Motion 60 -2023 to approve replacing the mulch at the playground was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 61 -2023 was made to adjourn the special meeting at 5:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak-Village Clerk/Treasurer
Minutes recorded by Trustee Constas.
Meeting was held on Tuesday July 5, 2023, at 5:45 PM
Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea; Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Mayor Michael A. Mahoney was excused from this meeting.
Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officers John Constas
George Farley
Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco
Historian Vacant
Fire Equipment Caretaker Joseph Morosco
Attorney John W. Dillon
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Vacant
MOTION 42-2023 To accept the above appointments was made by: Trustee Morosco
SECONDED BY: Trustee Constas
Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak
Registrar Stephanie Nowak
Deputy Registrar Nicholas Morosco
MOTION 43-2023 To accept the above appointments was by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Sassone
Official Meeting Night- First Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. Approval of vouchers by Board Members at 5:30PM prior to the regular meeting, in the Board Room of the Municipal Building.
Organizational Meeting- First Tuesday in July 2023 at 5:30PM in the Board Room of the Muncipal Building.
Official Banks – Adirondack Bank of Whitesboro and Berkshire Bank of Whitesboro.
Official Newspaper- Utica Observer Dispatch.
Motion 46-2023 to accept designated dates and vendors made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Morosco
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
A. New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials by NYCOM
B. The Annual Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerk conducted by NYCOM
C. Training Schools for Codes Officers, Zoning Officers all Board Members and other pertinent seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools conducted by various organizations and societies, Cooperative Extension and local Colleges and
Whereas, it is determined by the Board of Trustees that attendance by certain Municipal Officials, Appointees and Employees at one or more of these and other similar seminars, meetings, training sessions, and schools benefit the Municipality.
Section 1. That the following officers and appointees are hereby authorized to attend seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools – Mayor Mahoney, Trustees Collea, Constas, Morosco and Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Attorney Dillon, Codes Officer Farley, Zoning Officer Constas, Justice Kulaga, Members of the Zoning Boards and those deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees at a time announced.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take place immediately.
MOTION 47-2023 to accept above Resolution made by Trustee Morosco
Seconded by Trustee Constas
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
Whereas, there are times that the Mayor calls a special meeting to resolve a matter at hand,
That when a special meeting is called by the Mayor-
a. He or the Clerk shall notify each Board Member in person or by telephone advising each member of the time and location of the Special Meeting;
b. The Clerk shall issue a Notice of Special Meeting, one copy of which shall be posted by the back door of the Board Room entrance and another notice on the bulletin board near the inside Board Room entrance of the Truck Room;
c. In the event that there is sufficient time to give notice of the Special Meeting being called, a notice may be mailed to each Board Member;
d. A copy of the notice shall be given to the media;
e. A notice shall be made on the Village webpage calender.
This Resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 48-2023 to accept above resolution made by: ____________________
Seconded by: ____________________
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
WHEREAS, Municipal Law requires all Municipalities to adopt procurement policies effective January 1, 1972, and
WHEREAS, the Village adopted a Procurement Policy on December 11, 1991 as listed in the CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, chapter 25 starting on page 2501.
That it should be the policy that goods and services which are not required by law to be bid, may be procured by obtaining proposals or quotes as refernced in Chapter 25-4, Methods of Purchase of the above CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, not to exceed the bid limits of $10,000 for purchase contracts and $20,000 for work contracts.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately; and shall be reviewed yearly.
Motion 49-2023 to accept above Resolution made by: ____________________
Seconded by: ____________________
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
WHEREAS, all such claims shall be presented for audit at the regular meeting, and
WHEREAS, the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same, shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
That the Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, express charges, insurance and bills for refuse, and court fines, such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant or officer incurring or approving same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
This resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 50-2023 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
WHEREAS, NYS has required the Village of Yorkville to set a standard workday and salary for all appointed and elected employees, a schedule has been set and is included in this Resolution.
That the board of Trustees requires each elected and appointed employee report their hours of work for the Village, for each of three pay periods after appointment or election to the Village Clerk.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 51-2023 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Morosco
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
WHEREAS, Village Law 5-524 provides that the actual and necessary expenses of all Officers and employees incurred in the performance of duties shall be a Village charge, The Board of Trustees determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage reimbursement to Officers and employees of the Village who use their personal vehicles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village of Yorkville outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 1. That the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such Officers and Employees at the rate of .65 cents per mile outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 52-2023 to accept above Resolution made by:Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2023
Mayor Mahoney named his official Family:
Mayor Mahoney, Chief Financial Officer and oversees all departments.
Deputy Mayor James G. Collea
Police Chairman James G. Collea
Fire Chairman David Morosco
Highway, Refuse, Sewers Chairman James G. Collea
Buildings and Grounds Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Parks and Recreation Chairman Adam Sassone
Zoning and Codes Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Jutice Court Liason Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Finance Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Civil Defense Chairman David J. Morosco
MOTION 53-2023 to adjourn made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Sassone
All in favor 4-0, Passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Regular Monthly Meeting
Deputy Mayor James G. Collea called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Present were Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak was also present, along with Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas and Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco. Mayor Michael A. Mahoney and Village Attorney John Dillon were excused from this meeting.
Motion 54-2023 was made by Trustee Sassone to approve the previous month’s minutes. Trustee Morosco seconded the motion, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 55-2023 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $125,446.54 was made by Trustee Morosco with a second from Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 56-2023 to approve the changes to the parks section of the Code of the Village of Yorkville was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment was made by a resident from W. Highland Ave. stating that there is a lot of noise late at night and into the morning hours coming from the detailing business on Calder Ave. He asked about a noise ordinance and there is no noise ordinance in a commercial zoned area. He also asked that we mention in the Fall/Winter newsletter that you can not plow snow onto another’s property.
Trustee Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report
Trustee Sassone was not present for last month’s meeting, and he wanted to go over some highlights with the board members from his attendance at NYCOM (New York Conference of Mayors). Trustee Sassone had some great conversations about how the fire department could increase members and some grant opportunities. There is a trade in program for the purchase of heavy-duty electric vehicles. Spoke about a village ‘app’ and holiday decorations. Trustee Sassone thanked the fire department for relieving he and his mother from hot dog grilling during the family fun night. It was an even bigger success than the previous year. Next year we will want to purchase a larger grill and have staff to oversee the bounce houses.
Financial report is written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Police report is written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours. Chief Allen wanted to speak about the shooting that occurring in the village. He is thankful that his officers and the EMS responders are all safe. Yorkville is working with the New York State Police on investigation into the shooting. Yorkville participated in active shooter training at New York Mills school. They plan to hold this training at a different school each time. This will help the officers learn the layout of the schools and also help to identify any potential issues at the schools that should be addressed. Yorkville Police participated in Family Fun Day by handing out goodie bags to the kids and helped the State Police with a car seat check point. Yorkville Police Department was just awarded $33,000 in grant funds to purchase ballistic gear.
DPW Timothy Brown has retired from the Village with 20 years of service. We want to thank Timothy for all he has done though out the years. Jospeh Morosco highway superintendent, said that the Village has received two applications, one was for a HEO and the other was for a laborer.
Codes and Zoning reports were written on file at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Fire Department reports were written on file at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Zoning Board minutes were written and on file in the Village Clerk’s office and available during business hours.
Motion 57-2023 to adjourn the meeting at 6:23pm was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Regular Monthly Meeting
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea was present along with Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas. Village Attorney John Dillon and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak were also present. Trustee Adam J. Sassone was excused from this meeting.
Motion 36-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes. Deputy Mayor Collea seconded the motion, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 37-2023 to approve the end of the year vouchers was made by Deputy Mayor Collea with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0.
At this time Mayor Mahoney introduced Larre Harris Jr. as Yorkville Police Departments new full-time officer. Officer Harris was sworn in by Clerk/Treasurer Nowak, Officer Harris’ wife held the bible while Officer read the Oath of Office. Welcome to Yorkville Officer Harris!
Public Comment was made by a resident from Myers Ave. about parking near Karam’s, Chief Allen will assign officers to look into the parking issues. Another resident said the Hometown Hero Banners was one thing, the DPW staff coming on Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend to make sure they were up for the holiday was absolutely wonderful, he was very appreciative for the hours spent making it happen. Mayor Mahoney explained that the Village had ordered the brackets, but we only received enough to hang two banners, the company was called and told that we were shorted, but they could not get the rest here on time for Memorial Day. That apology was posted on Facebook and some people reached out and the City of Utica loaned us the brackets needed to hang all of the banners we had received thus far. It was a great show of communities coming together to honor the brave men and women who have served and currently serve our country.
Motion 38-2023 was made to approve resolutions as they come up for continued storm water remedies. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Trustee Collea asked about changing the date of the July meeting as it falls on Independence Day. The meeting will be held on Wednesday July 5th at 6PM.
Trustee Morosco had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas reported that the new carpet is in and installed and the elevator has been repaired, and two new trees were planted in the West Whitesboro St. Park.
Financial report is written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Police Chief Allen reported 362 calls were received in May. They have seen an increase in menacing and weapons. The increase in call volume and the severity of the calls also impacts the hours spent on paperwork and logging evidence. The Yorkville police department has increased patrols so that while paperwork is being completed there is also always someone on the streets. The Police Department now has two officers who are certified in bike patrol. Chief Allen plans on having the bike patrols during special events and to reach out and engage with residents and children of the village.
DPW report from Supervisor Joseph Morosco all is good. Just shy of 27 Tons were picked for the bulk trash up. Work is continuing on for the Storm drains.
Codes and Zoning reports were written on file at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Zoning Board minutes were written and on file in the Village Clerk’s office and available during business hours.
Mayor Mahoney told the residents about the cameras that have been and are being installed throughout the village. The cameras are for safety and as tools for the Police Department to use in cases.
Motion 39-2023 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to enter executive session at 6:30pm seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Executive session was exited at 6:58pm regular meeting entered.
Motion 40-2023 was made to approve the offer of an early retirement package to Timothy Brown. Mr. Brown has worked for the Yorkville Highway Department for 19 years and 6 months. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 41-2023 to adjourn the meeting at 7PM was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Regular Monthly Meeting
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 1:38PM. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea and Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas were present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Excused from the meeting were Trustee Adam J. Sassone and village Attorney John Dillon.
Motion 32-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the end of the year vouchers. Trustee Constas seconded the motion, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 33-2023 was made by Deputy mayor Collea to approve Gates/Cole as the new insurance carrier for the Village of Yorkville and the Yorkville Fire Department. Trustee seconded the motion, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 34-2023 was to approve the appointment of Officer Larre Harris Jr. as full-time police officer. Motion to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak for packing and un packing all the offices and items for the installation of new carpet. Another thank you to Jospeh Morosco, John Constas and Nicholas Morosco for working on Saturday to make sure that the Hometown Hero Banners were hung by Memorial Day. After a Facebook post explaining that we shorted the required number of hardware to hang the banners, the City of Utica reached out with extra brackets to borrow and the DPW team was able to get all banners hung. Also a thank you to John Constas and Trustee Deborah Constas for the flowers and decorations at the W. Whitesboro St. park where we held our Memorial Day Service, it looked great.
Motion 35-2023 to adjourn the meeting at 1:43PM was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Public Hearing for Spectrum Franchise Agreement.
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney was present as well as Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak was also present. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea was excused from this meeting.
The Public hearing was called to order at 5:45pm by Mayor Mahoney and began with the Pledge of Alliance. Clerk/Treasurer Nowak read the notice of public hearing. Mayor Mahoney explained the contract proposal to the members. The Village receives 5% from the spectrum usage to run the lines through the Village of Yorkville. There were no questions from the board or any members of the audience.
Trustee Sassone made Motion 27-2023 to adjourn the public hearing, Trustee Morosco seconded the motion, all in favor 3-0.
Regular Monthly Meeting
Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak were also present. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea was excused from this meeting.
Motion 28-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes. Trustee Constas seconded the motion, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 29-2023 to approve the vouchers in the total amount of $280,607.38 was made by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 30-2023 was to approve the Spectrum Franchise Agreement. Motion to approve was made Trustee Morosco with a second from Trustee Sassone, all in favor 3-0.
Public Comment was made by a resident from Myers Ave. thanking the Yorkville Police Department for their quick response into the graffiti that was being spread throughout the village. Another resident from Meyers Ave. spoke about parking on the street. There have been no parking signs placed but some of the residents still park in the street, blocking her from backing out of her driveway safely. Chief Allen was not present at tonight’s meeting due to an emergency, Mayor Mahoney said he will speak to the Chief.
Trustee Morosco wants to let everyone know that the Chicken BBQ to benefit the Yorkville Fire Department will be held on June 4th. Trustee Morosco also informed the residents and board members that will be starting soon going door to door with donation requests.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone reported that the summer concerts will be beginning in June, again pairing with New York Mills, each Village will host 5 concerts. There will be another Family Fun Night with bounce houses and a DJ, that date will be announced. The summer program will be held at the New York Mills school again this year. It is open to all residents of New York Mills and Yorkville.
Financial report is written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Police department report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
DPW report from Supervisor Joseph Morosco all is good. He feels the Champlin Ave. progress is coming along slowly.
Codes and Zoning reports were written on file at the Village Clerk’s Office during business hours.
Zoning Board minutes were written and on file in the Village Clerk’s office and available during business hours.
Mayor asked all trustees to look at the newsletter and approve it for print. Officer Alan Pelsic is going to be recognized for having the most DWI arrests in the county. It is an honor that we are not proud of, but we are proud that we are hopefully making a difference.
Motion 31-2023 to adjourn the meeting at 6:17PM was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Public Hearing
Re: 44,46 and 50 Main St. Yorkville.
Mayor Michael Mahoney called the public hearing to order at 5:45pm. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone were present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Also present was Fire Chief Joseph Morosco and Zoning Officer John Constas.
The Public Hearing is to hear the request for a change in the zoning line of 44, 46 and 50 Main St. Yorkville. The request is to move the residential zoning line to be 150 feet from the middle of Mian St. The property behind the 150 feet mark will be commercial zoning. The Oneida County Department of Planning was notified by the Zoning Board and has said that they would prefer the entire area to be zoned commercial.
There was a comment by the public that they want to keep the integrity of the village and not allow the entire area to be commercial.
Public Hearing was adjourned by Motion 24-2023 made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Special Meeting
Re: 44,46 and 50 Main St. Yorkville.
Mayor Michael Mahoney called the public hearing to order at 6:00pm. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone were present along with Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Also present was Fire Chief Joseph Morosco and Zoning Officer John Constas.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board for a roll call vote to override the tax cap with resolution for the 2023/2024 Budget. The increase in tax would be .47 per thousand.
Deputy Mayor Collea YES
Trustee David J. Morosco YES
Trustee Deborah L. Constas YES
Trustee Adam J. Sassone NO
Resolution to override the tax cap is passed 3-0.
The Public Hearing was to hear the request for a change in the zoning line of 44, 46 and 50 Main St. Yorkville. The request is to move the residential zoning line to be 150 feet from the middle of Mian St. The property behind the 150 feet mark will be commercial zoning. The Oneida County Department of Planning was notified by the Zoning Board and has said that they would prefer the entire area to be zoned commercial.
There was a comment by the public that they want to keep the integrity of the village and not allow the entire area to be commercial.
The Village Board did not have any questions on the request for 44,46 and 50 Main St. Mayor Mahoney asked for a motion to begin the vote on the zone change. Trustee Morosco made Motion 25-2023 to allow for the zoning line to begin 150 feet from the middle of Main St. allowing the properties of 44, 46 and 50 Main St. to be in both Commercial and Residential Zoning. The homes will remain residential. Deputy Mayor Collea made the second, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 26-2023 was made by Trustee Constas second by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
April 4, 2023 - Regular Monthly Meeting
Motion 20-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 21-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $55,341.63. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 22-2023 to approve the 2023/2024 budget which includes a tax increase of .47 per thousand. Trustee Morosco made the motion to approve, and Deputy Mayor Collea seconded the motion; all in favor 4-0.
There was no public comment.
Deputy Mayor Collea – Champlin Ave. road work will begin Monday April 10th, please try to avoid the area when possible.
Trustee David Morosco – The fire department will begin their annual fund drive in May, but they will be going door to door, like they used to do. This will save the cost of postage and get the fire fighters out to meet the residents of the village.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone summer is coming quickly, scheduled a meeting with NY Mills to discuss the summer park program, has been calling bands to play in the park.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
The village Attorney had nothing to report.
The police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway getting cleaned up from winter, green waste started this Tuesday and will continue every Tuesday until the winter.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office. They will be having training soon for the SCBA gear that was purchased and just arrived at the station.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
With the warmer weather Chief Allen wanted to remind residents to lock their doors. He did say that other communities have been hit with car larcenies, but they seem to be just passing Yorkville. Chief Allen stated that he attended two training courses this month. One to be able to give the in-service training and the other was the NY state association of Chiefs> Chief Allen reported that he gained a lot of knowledge from both trainings. He has two officers scheduled to attend child safety seat training later this season.
He asked if he could have permission for a high school student from Sauquoit intern at the department for 20 hours next week while school is on spring break. The board did not have any issue with this and granted permission.
Motion 23-2023 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:16PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
April 4, 2023 Public Hearing
April 4, 2023 – Budget Public Hearing
The Public Hearing for the 2023/2024 Budget of the Village of Yorkville was called to order at 5:45PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Police Chief Frank Allen.
Clerk Nowak read the Legal Notice for the public hearing. Mayor Mahoney went through the budget and called notice to any changes.
There were no questions or comments from the public, Motion 19-2023 to close the Public Hearing was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
March 7, 2023
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Chief Frank Allen.
Motion 14-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 15-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $43624.66. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was made by a resident asking about the Champlin Ave. project performed by the New York State DOT. We do not have an official start date as of yet. They will have one lane open at all times. Traffic will most likely overflow into the side streets. Chief Allen said they will stage traffic details to curtail the speeding as much as possible.
Students from Whitesboro School were present to audit the Village Board meeting for their government class.
Deputy Mayor Collea asked for everyone to have input ready for the spring/summer newsletter.
Trustee David Morosco asked permission for the fire department to purchase five (5) pagers at the cost of $3012.50 each. Motion 16-2023 was seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 5-0.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone wanted to introduce Ethan from OYA renewables who would be joining us by phone to speak about the opportunity of joining a solar farm. The Village attorney will look over the agreement and see if this is something the village should participate with.
Mayor Mahoney
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway Joseph Morosco stated that everything is running well and they waiting on spring for clean up.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office. John Constas spoke about adding a local law that would allow the Fire Department to charge for false alarms.
Zoning Report – No Meeting was held in February.
Motion 17-2023 was made to enter executive session to discuss pending litigation at 6:29PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
The executive session ended at 6:55pm, no actions were taken.
Motion 17-2023 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:58PM, all in favor 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
February 7, 2023
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Officer Frank Allen.
Motion 07-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 08-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $52,492.13. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Public comment was from a resident on Myers Ave. asking if anything had been approved for the Mastrovito zone change request. At this time, we are waiting for a new letter from Mastrovito to send to Oneida County Planning Department for approval.
The Police Department has two student interns from Utica University. Ben is a criminal justice major from New Jersey and Colby is a Cyber Security major from Long Island. They are both working on mapping personal cameras throughout the village and starting a database for easy contact when the Police need to reach out for any video that a resident wishes to share with the department. In addition to the camera project, they have also helped with updating forms, intern applications and recruitment materials.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report for this month’s meeting.
Trustee David Morosco asked for permission to enter into a Statutory Installment Bond for the purchase of SCBA(self-contained Breathing Apparatus) equipment for the fire department. Motion 9-2023 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve that Statutory Installment Bond in the amount of $129,824.00, Trustee Morosco made a second, all in favor 4-0.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone has begun to call bands and preliminary talks about performances in the parks and the summer parks program in conjunction with New York Mills. Trustee Sasson will keep everyone updated on the progress.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board to accept the resignation of Officer Matthew Acee. Officer Acee has been afforded and accepted employment with another agency. This agency requested that Mr. Acee not work for any other agency. Motion 10-2023 to accept resignation was made by Deputy Mayor Collea with a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 11-2023 was made to accept the recording of the Annual Justice Court Funds review. Clerk/Treasurer Nowak completed the audit, and no discrepancies were found. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
A financial report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Village Attorney had nothing to report.
Police report was written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Highway had nothing to report.
Codes reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Zoning Report is written and on file at the Village Clerk's office.
Mayor Mahoney asked Trustee Sassone to once again look into electric Vehicle charging stations to be installed on Village property. Trustee Sassone has previously done this. Mayor Mahoney would like him to see where they are at this point with grants and funding. Mahoney asked the Trustees to get their budget numbers to him immediately so work on the new budget may begin. Mahoney also asked that all spending be halted without preapproval from Clerk/Treasurer Nowak.
Mayor Mahoney asked for approval from the board to accept the hiring of a part time police office, James Toomey. Mr. Toomey is retired and looking for a few hours. Motion 12-2023 was made to accept the hiring of James Toomey as part time police officer. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 13-2023 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:16PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
January 3, 2023
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Officer Frank Allen. Trustee Deborah Constas was excused from this meeting for family reasons.
Motion 01-2023 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous month’s minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 02-2023 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $43,891.85. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 03-2023 was made to swear in the 2023 Line Officers for the Yorkville Fire Department. Mayor Mahoney will swear these officers in at the March meeting of the Fire Department. Motion was made to approve by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 04-2023 was made to allow clerk/treasurer Stephanie Nowak to conduct the 2022 court financial audit. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment: Thank you for taking care of the streetlights that were out.
Deputy Mayor Collea reported that he contacted Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco about the water and ice that was building up on 900-1000 block of Champlin Ave. Joseph made contact with New York State DOT and they were going to take care of it.
Trustee Morosco Reported that the Fire department would need to replace their SCBA gear soon. The department applied for a grant to cover the costs that would range upwards of $250,000. Unfortunately, the grant application was denied. The Village may need to limit the amount to purchase and get by with less.
Trustee Sassone wanted to thank the Fire Department and everyone who came around the Village with Santa, it was a great time and good to see everyone out waiting for Santa.
Chief Allen reported the YTD numbers of calls for 2022 as 7,129 which was 36% higher than 2021. Officers Correnti and Acee will be attending radar training this week and receive radar certification.
Financial report was written and available for viewing at the Village of Yorkville clerk’s office.
Village Attorney did not have anything to report.
Police Department was written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Joseph Morosco for the DPW stated that everything is running well in the department. Morosco stated that it has been a slow start to the snow season. The Village is saving money on payroll and salt as normally they would have been out salting and plowing multiple times by this time of the year.
Codes Department reports are written and available for viewing at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department appointed the line officers for 2023.
Zoning Department: No meeting was held in the month of December.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank the Fire Department for the Santa detail. Mayor Mahoney rode with the Fire Department and had a great time.
Motion 05-2023 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:11PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
December 6, 2022
December meeting of the Yorkville Village Board of Trustees
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Fire Chief Joseph Moroso was present along with Chief of Frank A. Allen, Village Attorney John Dillon, and Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 84-2022 was made to approve the November minutes by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 85-2022 made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the vouchers in the amount of$165,859.97 received a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment: Street light # 7 is out on Deroe.
Deputy Mayor Collea Had nothing to report
Trustee Morosco The Yorkville Volunteer Fire Department Ham Dinner was a great success and it was amazing to be able to gather and have everyone together again.
Trustee Constas Nothing to report
Trustee Sassone Nothing to report
Police report is written and on file at the Clerk’s office.
Financial report is written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Village attorney John Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway department everything is running good.
Codes department reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department
Zoning report is written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Trustee Deborah Constas, Nicholas Morosco and John Constas for their hard work on decorating the Gazebo, it looks amazing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone and be Safe.
Motion 86-2022 to close the meeting at 6:16 PM was made Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
November 1, 2022
November meeting of the Yorkville Village Board of Trustees
Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the meeting to order at 6pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Fire Chief Joseph Moroso was present along with Chief of Frank A. Allen, Village Attorney John Dillon, and Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 81-2022 was made to approve the October minutes by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 82-2022 made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the vouchers in the amount of$165,859.97 received a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment:
Frank Mastrovito was present to ask the board for permission to go to the Zoning board to ask for a zone Change of three residential properties to commercial. Mr. Mastrovito would like to keep three houses on the property with the back lots being used as parking. The Village Board gave Mr. Mastrovito permission to approach the Zoning Board with his request.
A resident from Myers Ave. informed the board that on Saturday October 29th she had some ‘kids’ in front of her house that were making noise by dropping a toy car on the street. Chief Allen asked the resident if she called 911 at the time to report it. She responded no and that she e-mailed him the video. Chief Allen informed her that he had extra patrolmen on all weekend and if something like that happens she has to call 911 so an officer is dispatched at the time. There is nothing he can do after the fact.
Deputy Mayor Collea Had nothing to report
Trustee Morosco Thank you Mastrovito Hyundai for hosting the Chicken BBQ to benefit the New York Mills and Yorkville Fire Departments. It was great to have the Halloween Parade back and it was a success.
Trustee Constas Nothing to report
Trustee Sassone Great Halloween parade. Would like to begin talking about the tree lighting ceremony.
Police report is written and on file at the Clerk’s office. The Yorkville PD participated in the Holiday Crack Down event and 4 DWI tickets were issued along with 58 additional tickets for miscellaneous violations. The total calls for the month of October were 522. Chief Allen was invited back to Whitesboro High School to speak to a forensic class.
Financial report is written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Village attorney John Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway department superintendent Joseph Morosco reported that all paving has been completed and they are busy picking leaves and getting ready for the winter months.
Codes department reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department
Zoning – No meeting for October.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank the Police and fire departments for holding the children’s parade and costume contest.
Motion 83-2022 to close the meeting at 6:20PM was made Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
October 4, 2022
Public Hearing
The Public Hearing to explain and receive comment on amendments to Village code Chapters 135 Zoning and 127 Towing was called to order at 5:45PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Village Board members, Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustee David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Fire Chief Joseph Morosco, Police Chief Frank Allen and Village Clerk Stephanie Nowak were also present.
Clerk Nowak read the proposed changes to Chapter 135 §26G (Off-Street Parking), 135 §25B (Signs) 22-6 (Fences) and Chapter 127 §31.6 and 31.7 (towing)
Trustee Sassone asked for more clarification on the Towing amendments. Chief Frank Allen explained that some tow companies will reject tows multiple times, the amendment will place penalty on those companies who refuse a certain number of tows.
Public hearing was closed at 5:57PM. Motion 73-2022 made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
October 4, 2022
October meeting of the Yorkville Village Board of Trustees
Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Fire Chief Joseph Moroso was present along with Chief of Frank A. Allen, Village Attorney John Dillon and Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 74-2022 was made to approve the September’s minutes by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 75-2022 made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the vouchers received a second from Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 76-2022 to approve the changes to Local law chapter 135 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 77-2022 to approve the changes to local law chapter 127 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 78-2022 was made to approve a proclamation to declare October 13, Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day in the Village of Yorkville. Motion was approved by Trustee Constas and Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment: A resident from Myers Ave. thanked the highway for taking care of the mud hole on the street.
Deputy Mayor Collea thanked the highway for all of the work they did on the streets to get them ready for paving. They have a company that does the milling, and the DPW completes the finishing touches.
Trustee Morosco announced that the Fire Department will be testing the Hydrants on October 8th and 9th. Mastrovito Hyundai will be once again, holding a Chicken BBQ on October 29th with the proceeds being donated to local fire departments. The fire department will be hosting the children's Halloween parade on October 31st with a costume contest to follow. The Fire department will also hosting a roast beef dinner on November 12th from 3pm to 7pm. The details will follow.
Trustee Constas inquired into the roof repair estimates and if the village planned on moving forward with the project. Joseph Morosco commented that since they sealed around the AC unit there have not been any more leaks. He would like to hold off on replacement for now.
Trustee Sassone wanted to thank the highway department for the hard work on the bulk trash and for offering this service to village residents.
Police report is written and on file at the Clerk’s office. Chief Frank Allen spoke about the busy the department had. Officer Wrobel did a great job responding to strong arm robbery. Chief Allen asked for the boards permission to hire John Scholl for part time police officer. Mr. Scholl is certified in many areas and is a certified trainer in radar and breathalyzer. Motion 79-2022 was made to approve the hiring of Mr. Scholl by Trustee Sassone with a second from Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0. Chief Allen wanted to recognize Officer Benedict Rotundo for his response during an event that occurred in Utica while he was off duty. Mr. Rotundo was witness to a robbery in progress in a store when the suspect pulled a knife on the store clerk, Officer Rotundo identified himself as a police officer as his wife called 911. Officer Rotundo was able to detain the suspect until Utica police department was dispatched to the scene.
Financial report is written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Village attorney John Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway department superintendent Joseph Morosco informed the board and residents that paving is schedule to begin on Thursday October 6th. The paving will take place on Main St, Jones Place, Hall Ave. and Bunker Ave.
Codes department reports are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department reported that all pump tests have been performed and passed.
Zoning report is written and on file. Clerk Nowak reported that 35 and 37 Main St. have been purchased. 37 Main St. will be demolished to accommodate parking for 35 Main St which will be rehabbed and house three rental units and one commercial front.
Mayor Mahoney informed everyone that the Fall/Winter newsletter is done and will hopefully be mailed out later this week or early next week.
Motion to close the meeting at 6:29PM was made Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
September 6, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone as well as, Chief of Police Frank Allen and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Excused from this meeting was Village Attorney John Dillon.
Motion 67-2022 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 68-2022 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $84,040.03 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 69-2022 was made to approve the resolution for Justice Kulaga to apply for the 2022/2023 JCAP grant. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 70-2022 to approve the ride for missing children to ride through the village of Champlin Ave. was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 71-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the fire department’s use of 45 Mian St. for fire training.
Public Comment was opened: A comment from a resident on Myers Ave. was made regarding the ‘mud hole’ on that top of Myers Ave. Mayor Mahoney will instruct the Highway department to file the hole in to alleviate the mud. The same resident also mentioned cats that are consistently in his yard and have climbed up his screen. The cats are not feral, they are a pet that are being let out of a house. The Village will make some calls to the Town of Whitestown animal control officer and also to the Town of New Hartford Animal Control to see what laws they have in place for nuisance animals.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Morosco the Clam bake/installation dinner for the Fire Department went great and was a great time.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report at this time.
Trustee Sassone reported that the summer concerts went well as well as the summer Park program shared with the Village of New York Mills. The kids had 3 field trips a week and they had a great time.
Chief Allen reported that the police department had 583 calls this month. Last years total number of calls where 4946 YTD, with the average of calls thus far, we will surpass that number. The department held two check points and issued 4 DWI tickets, 39 traffic tickets and made 6 arrests. Also this month there was another gun removed from the street.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Village Attorney Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway Department milling is set to begin next week.
Codes Departments were written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Fire Department had nothing to report.
Zoning Board minutes are written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Mayor Mahoney stated that they are going to be selling both lawn tractors and trading up. October’s meeting will start with a public hearing for law revisions to the fence, sign and parking sections. There will also be changes made to the tow rotation section in order to enforce rules upon members of the tow rotation who choose not to respond.
Motion 72-2022 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:41PM. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
August 2, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone as well as Village Attorney John Dillon, Chief of Police Frank Allen and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 63-2022 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 64-2022 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $84,040.03 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 65-2022 was made to approve the hiring of Officer Michael Sweezey as part time Yorkville Police Officer. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment was opened: A resident from W. Highland wanted to address the shrubs on W. Highland that are overgrown into the sidewalk. Codes Officer George Farley has already given the owner of the property a written notice of violation. The owner has 30 days to rectify the violation. Another comment was made by a resident from Myers Ave. concerning the property of Waynes Welding. The grass and weeds have become overgrown and need attention. He also commented on the ‘mud-hole’ at the top of Myers Ave.
Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank fellow board member Trustee Constas for her work on the trees and shrubs at the West Whitesboro St. gazebo.
Trustee Morosco had nothing to report at this time.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report at this time.
Trustee Sassone The Yorkville/New York Mills summer program has one month left. The turn out has been great and the field trips were a success. Still looking into grants for the park. The Village was working with the WADAS foundation for several grants to upgrade the park to add some handicapped accessible play units and to upgrade the ball field. These grants were not accepted by the foundation.
Chief Allen Wanted to thank multiple Officers from various agencies for helping to apprehend a suspect that fled on foot from a traffic stop. During the arrest they were able to recover two loaded handguns. Official report is written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Village Attorney Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway Department no report.
Codes Departments were written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Fire Department had nothing to report.
There was no Zoning Board meeting for the month of July.
Mayor Mahoney thanked everyone for their hard work and also a special thank you to the officers.
Motion 66-2022 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:19PM. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
July 05, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Excused from this meeting were Attorney John Dillon and Chief of Police Frank Allen.
Motion 59-2022 to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 60-2022 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $130,053.83 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 61-2022 was made to approve the resolution for Oneida County Soil and Water, Hazard Mitigation Plan. The motion was made by Trustee Sassone and was seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Trustee Constas reported that the dying shrubs were removed from the gazebo at the W. Whitesboro St. Park and in their place was planted ten dwarf pine trees. This is keeping with our commitment of planting at least five new trees per year. These trees will require little maintenance and will keep to a size that will not over the park.
Trustee Sassone wanted to thank everyone for coming to the Yorkville Family Fun Night. Everyone had a great time, and it was a great kick off to summer. Trustee Sassone extended a special thank you to the DPW, New York Mills and Yorkville Police and the Fire Department for all of their help. Also a thank you to Stewart’s Shops for once again donating towards the bounce houses and supplying the ice cream and two employees to distribute it.
Chief Allen is on his Honeymoon, so Mayor Mahoney read the report that Chief Allen prepared prior to his leaving. This is on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Village Attorney Dillon was excused from this meeting.
Highway Department none.
Codes Departments were written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Fire Department had nothing to report.
There was no Zoning Board meeting for the month of June.
Mayor Mahoney read a thank you card that was addressed to the DPW for their hard work.
Motion 62-2022 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:13PM. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
Meeting was held on Tuesday July 5, 2022, at 5:30 PM
Present were Mayor Michael A. Mahoney, Deputy Mayor James G. Collea; Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak
Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officers John Constas
George Farley
Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco
Historian Vacant
Fire Equipment Caretaker Joseph Morosco
Attorney John W. Dillon
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Vacant
MOTION 46-2022 To accept the above appointments was made by: Trustee Sassone
SECONDED BY: Trustee Morosco
Ethics Committee Member Scott Adsit
Motion 48-2022 to accept the above appointment was made by: Trustee Constas
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea
Zoning Board Chairman
Zoning Board Member Cynthia Mahoney
Zoning Board Member
Zoning Board Member
Zoning Board Member
Zoning Board Member
Zoning Board Member
Motion 49-2022 to accept the above appointment was made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Official Meeting Night- First Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. Approval of vouchers by Board Members at 5:30PM prior to the regular meeting, in the Board Room of the Municipal Building.
Organizational Meeting- First Tuesday in July 2023 at 5:30PM in the Board Room of the Muncipal Building.
Official Banks – Adirondack Bank of Whitesboro and Berkshire Bank of Whitesboro.
Official Newspaper- Utica Observer Dispatch and Rome Sentinal
Motion 50-2022 to accept designated dates and vendors made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Morosco
Ayes 3 Nays 1 Adopted July 5, 2022
- New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials by NYCOM
- The Annual Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerk conducted by NYCOM
- Training Schools for Codes Officers, Zoning Officers all Board Members and other pertinent seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools conducted by various organizations and societies, Cooperative Extension and local Colleges and
Whereas, it is determined by the Board of Trustees that attendance by certain Municipal Officials, Appointees and Employees at one or more of these and other similar seminars, meetings, training sessions, and schools benefit the Municipality.
Section 1. That the following officers and appointees are hereby authorized to attend seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools – Mayor Mahoney, Trustees Collea, Constas, Morosco and Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Attorney Dillon, Codes Officer Farley, Zoning Officer Constas, Justice Kulaga, Members of the Zoning Boards and those deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees at a time announced.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take place immediately.
MOTION 51-2022 to accept above Resolution made by: Deputy mayor Collea
Seconded by: Trustee Morosco
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
Whereas, there are times that the Mayor calls a special meeting to resolve a matter at hand,
That when a special meeting is called by the Mayor-
- He or the Clerk shall notify each Board Member in person or by telephone advising each member of the time and location of the Special Meeting;
- The Clerk shall issue a Notice of Special Meeting, one copy of which shall be posted by the back door of the Board Room entrance and another notice on the bulletin board near the inside Board Room entrance of the Truck Room;
- In the event that there is sufficient time to give notice of the Special Meeting being called, a notice may be mailed to each Board Member;
- A copy of the notice shall be given to the media;
- A notice shall be made on the Village webpage calender.
This Resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 52-2022 to accept above resolution made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by: Trustee Constas
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
WHEREAS, Municipal Law requires all Municipalities to adopt procurement policies effective January 1, 1972, and
WHEREAS, the Village adopted a Procurement Policy on December 11, 1991 as listed in the CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, chapter 25 starting on page 2501.
That it should be the policy that goods and services which are not required by law to be bid, may be procured by obtaining proposals or quotes as refernced in Chapter 25-4, Methods of Purchase of the above CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, not to exceed the bid limits of $80,000 for purchase contracts and $100,000 for work contracts.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately; and shall be reviewed yearly.
Motion 53-2022 to accept above Resolution made by:Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Collea
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
WHEREAS, all such claims shall be presented for audit at the regular meeting, and
WHEREAS, the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same, shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
That the Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, express charges, insurance and bills for refuse, and court fines, such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant or officer incurring or approving same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees.
This resolution shall take place immediately.
Motion 54-2022 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by:Trustee Collea
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
WHEREAS, NYS has required the Village of Yorkville to set a standard workday and salary for all appointed and elected employees, a schedule has been set and is included in this Resolution.
That the board of Trustees requires each elected and appointed employee report their hours of work for the Village, for each of three pay periods after appointment or election to the Village Clerk.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 55-2022 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Morosco
Seconded by: Trustee Sassone
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
WHEREAS, Village Law 5-524 provides that the actual and necessary expenses of all Officers and employees incurred in the performance of duties shall be a Village charge, The Board of Trustees determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage reimbursement to Officers and employees of the Village who use their personal vehicles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village of Yorkville outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 1. That the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such Officers and Employees at the rate of .58 cents per mile outside the Village of Yorkville.
Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Motion 56-2022 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Constas
Seconded by: Trustee Sassone
Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 5, 2022
Mayor Mahoney named his official Family:
Mayor Mahoney, Chief Financial Officer and oversees all departments.
Deputy Mayor James G. Collea
Police Chairman James G. Collea
Fire Chairman David Morosco
Tax Assesment Review Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Highway, Refuse, Sewers Chairman Adam J. Sassone
Buildings and Grounds Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Parks and Recreation Chairman Adam Sassone
Zoning and Codes Chairman Deborah L. Constas
Jutice Court Liason Chairman James G. Collea
Law Revisions Chairman David J. Morosco
Finance Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Loss Prevention Chairman David J. Morosco
Civil Defense Chairman Michael A. Mahoney
Website Coordinator Adam J. Sassone
MOTION 57-2022 to adjourn made by: Trustee Sassone
Seconded by:Trustee Constas
All in favor 4-0, Passed.
Motion 58-2022 to adjourn Organizational Meeting at 5:48PM made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
June 14, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Village Attorney John Dillon, Chief of Police Frank Allen and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
The meeting was scheduled for June 7th and was cancelled because of the death of a family member of a Board of Trustee.
Motion 41-2022 was made to approve the minutes of the previous month’s meeting. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 42-2022 was made by Trustee Sassone to approve the vouchers in the amount of $579922.41, Trustee Constas made a second to the motion, all in favor 4-0. This amount includes the down payment of $500,000 for the new Ladder Truck for the Fire Department.
Motion 43-2022 was made to approve the listing of the 2014 Police Car on Auctions International as soon as the new Police vehicle is put in service. Motion to improve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 44-2022 was made to approve the resolution for the Tree Vision Statement for the Village of Yorkville.
Our Vision Statement by the year 2027 is that the Village of Yorkville’s Tree inventory, will be fully stocked and healthy. To achieve this goal the Village of Yorkville will be using the Tree Inventory to determine what trees need immediate maintenance and trimming and pruning. The Village officials along with the Village of Yorkville Highway Department members will look forward to protecting and preserving existing trees while developing an ordinance for tree removal. The Village of Yorkville will also commit to replace any and all trees that have to be removed with trees that will flourish in this environment and with trees of the appropriate size for the area. The Village of Yorkville will use the Tree Inventory and the suggested areas for planting of new trees and plant at least five new trees per year.
Th Village of Yorkville will use the Tree Inventory to determine the future of trees that may need to be removed, and plan for action moving forward when Tree’s will need to be replaced. The Village Officials of Yorkville would like to see smaller trees planted on the Village right of ways as to not upset the residents and the danger of having large trees near their properties. The Village will continue to plant and replace trees with a more appropriate size.
Roll Call Vote to approve:
Mayor Mahoney YES
Deputy Mayor Collea YES
Trustee Morosco YES
Trustee Constas YES
Trustee Sassone YES
Public Comment was opened, there was some discussion about trees and if the Village could do anything to have a tree removed from private property if a neighboring property thinks it may be dangerous. This would become a civil matter between homeowners.
Mayor Mahoney stated that there was an arborist who came to look at the tree located on Tabor Pl. The Village has received complaints about the tree and was advised that the tree may need to be removed. He could see no visible damage to the tree except for the roots that were coming out of the ground. The Village Attorney, John Dillon, urged that the Village is not responsible for tree removal. Even if a tree is located and planted on the Village right of way and if it was planted by the Village of Yorkville, the Village of Yorkville is still not responsible for tree removal. The Village of Yorkville does not maintain the Village right of ways for any other purpose.
Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank everyone who came to the wake for his Niece. He said it was nice for all the support. He thanked everyone who attended the Memorial Day Service. Deputy Mayor also mentioned that he had received some phone calls about tow trucks being left idle on West Highland Ave. The Yorkville Police did respond and issued some tickets for vehicles left idle.
Trustee Morosco thanked everyone for attending the Chicken BBQ and aid it was a great success. Fire Chief Nicholas Moroso, John Constas and are in Clintonville Wisconsin for the pre-con meeting for the new fire truck.
Trustee Constas reported that the Village has just received the third quote for the Municipal Building roof. There has also been some cement work being done to the front of the building.
Trustee Sassone reported on family fun night at the park that will be June 23. Chase from Paw Patrol will make an appearance, the fire department will be there with a fire truck, as well as the police department. There will be bounce houses and ice cream sponsored by Stewarts Shops! Stewart’s Shops also donated $500 towards the bounce houses.
Police Report was delivered by Frank Allen and provided in writing. Chief Allen reported that there will be second car added on Saturdays due to the increase of crime in the Village. The Police Department is still looking for additional Full and or Part time officers. Th new body cameras have been received and are in service. Chief Allen has been updating all state reports so that they are current. The completion of these reports help to determine what grants and founding the Police Department is eligible for. The Officers have been adding a more detailed patrol of the parks, to detour any vandalism that may occur. Traffic details were performed on West Highland Ave. They officers made 20 details for 20 minutes each time. During the detail there were several parking tickets issued, no speeding was observed.
Financial report is written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office for review.
Attorney John Dillon had nothing to report.
Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco reported that there was a total of 24 tons of trash collected during the Village Wide bulk trash pickup.
Codes and Zoning reports were written and available at the Village Clerk’s Office for review.
Zoning Board had no new business, and the May meeting was canceled.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Stewart’s Shop for their donation of $500.00 toward the rental of bounce houses for the first family fun night which will be held on June 23.
Motion 45-2022 to adjourn the meeting at 6:32pm was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
May 03, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Village Attorney John Dillon, Chief of Police Frank Allen and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 35-2022 was made to approve the minutes of the previous month’s meeting. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 36-2022 was made by Trustee Sassone to approve the vouchers in the amount of $71855.97, Trustee Constas made a second to the motion, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment was opened, and a resident wanted to thank Officer Zachary Correnti for getting out a picking up a trash can that blowing in the street.
Motion 37-2022 to approve the purchase of web hosting for a Police Department website was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 38-2022 was made to begin writing a tree ordinance, made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 39-2022 was made to approve the resolution for the Storm water drain work being performed by GHD Engineering in a partnership with the Village of New Hartford. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 5-0.
Board Resolution
- Authorized Representative Resolution
WHEREAS, the Village of Yorkville, New York (the "Village") was awarded an Engineering Planning Grant by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) to complete a sanitary sewer evaluation survey (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, EFC requires identification of an Authorized Representative for the Project; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Village Board of the Village of Yorkville declares that the Authorized Representatives for the Project is the Mayor, and the Mayor is authorized to execute a Grant
Agreement with the NYS EFC and any and all other contracts, documents, and instruments necessary to bring about the project and to fulfill the Village of Yorkville’s obligations under the Grant Agreement; and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately.
- Local Match Resolution
WHEREAS, the Village of Yorkville, New York (the "Village") was awarded an Engineering Planning Grant by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) to complete a sanitary sewer evaluation survey (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Engineering Planning Grant requires the recipient to provide a local match of 20 percent of the grant amount in either additional dollars or in-kind services to the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Village was awarded an Engineering Planning Grant amount of $100,00.00, and the local match is $20,000.00; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Village Board of the Village of Yorkville declares its obligation to finance or provide in-kind services to the value of $20,000.00 or 20% of the final grant amount. The source of the local match shall be (BANs, bonds, general fund, co-funding sources). The maximum local match shall not exceed $20,000 based upon a total estimated maximum project cost of $120,000. The Mayor may meet or partially meet this local match through the use of in kind services without further approval from the Village Board of the Village of Yorkville; and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately.
- State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Act Resolution Completion of Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Act requirements and Board resolution declaring SEQR findings or determinations.
WHEREAS, the Village of Yorkville, New York (the "Village") was awarded an Engineering Planning Grant by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation to complete a sanitary sewer evaluation survey (the "Project"); and
WHEREAS, the Village desires to comply with New York State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQR") and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, being 6 NYCRR Part 617, as amended (the "Regulations") with respect to the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Project is not subject to review under SEQRA because all aspects of the whole action are listed as a "Type II Action" under 6 NYC RR § 617.5(c), including: Maintenance or repair involving no substantial changes in existing infrastructure - 617.5(c)(1), Replacement, rehabilitation or reconstruction of infrastructure, in kind, on the same site - 617 .5(c)(2), Re-paving of existing highways not involving the addition of new travel lanes -617.5(c)(5), Street openings and right-of-way openings for the purpose of repair or maintenance of existing utility facilities - 617.5(c)(6), Installation of traffic control devices on existing streets, roads and highways - 617.5(c)(22), Mapping of existing roads, streets, highways, natural resources, land uses and ownership patterns - 617.5(c)(23), Information collection including basic data collection and research, water quality and pollution studies, traffic counts, engineering studies, surveys, subsurface investigations and soils studies that do not commit the agency to undertake, fund or approve any Type I or Unlisted action - 617.5(c)(24), Routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new programs or major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment - 617.5(c)(26), Conducting concurrent environmental, engineering, economic, feasibility and other studies and preliminary planning and budgetary processes necessary to the formulation of a proposal for action, provided those activities do not commit the agency to commence, engage in or approve such action - 617.5(c)(27); now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Village Board of the Village of Yorkville declares that the Project constitutes a "Type II Action" under 6 NYCRR § 617.5(c) and that no further action under the SEQR Act and the Regulations is required: and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately.
Roll Call Vote:
Mayor Mahoney YES
Deputy Mayor Collea YES
Trustee Morosco YES
Trustee Constas YES
Trustee Sassone YES
Deputy Mayor Collea Informed everyone that the Memorial Day Celebration will be held on Monday, May 30th at 1pm at the West Whitesboro St. Park.
Trustee Morosco said that with the amount of COVID cases lowering the Fire Department will be getting back to being involved in the community with Parades, ceremonies, Chicken BBQ’s etc.
Trustee Constas had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone has been working on grant funding for the park as well as looking into grant funding and options for electric charging stations.
Financial report was delivered as written and is on file at the clerk’s office.
Attorney Dillon had nothing to report at this time.
Police report was given by Chief Allen and is also written and on file in the clerk’s office. Chief Allen stressed that everyone needs to lock their vehicles and keep valuables out of it. These thieves continue to return because every night they are given the availability of unlocked vehicles and items of value to take.
DPW report was given by Mayor Mahoney. Mayor Mahoney wanted to bring it to everyone’s attention that the Highway Supervisor will be approving driveway permit applications.
Codes and zoning reports were written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Fire Department reported that they will be holding a Memorial Day Ceremony, more information to follow.
Zoning Board had no report as there was no meeting for the month of April.
Motion 40-2022 to adjourn the meeting at 6:32pm was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
April 05, 2022
The monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney at 6PM. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Village Attorney John Dillon, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco, Chief of Police Frank Allen and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak.
Motion 26-2022 was made to approve the minutes of the previous month’s meeting. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 27-2022 was made by Trustee Sassone to approve the vouchers in the amount of $160,615.22, Trustee Constas made a second to the motion, all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment was opened. A business owner was present to voice his concerns about the stop sign located on Myers Ave. just back from the boulevard. He owns the business at the stop sign and stated that many people do not stop for the stop sign. Chief Allen said that he was requiring traffic details at that area daily. Chief Allen also stated that he will look into anything else that will help with the situation.
Another resident was present to express concern about the condition of the flags that have been placed on a sign by the VFW. The flags are in poor condition and should not be out. The Village will reach out and see if we can help to acquire flags that are in better condition. This resident also had concern for large items that are placed at the curb without purchasing a red tag. He was informed that the Village does gives these residents and/or homeowners a violation notice and a fine.
Deputy Mayor Collea asked if we could add something in the newsletter that the Village of Yorkville is not responsible for Champlin Ave. There have been numerous complaints about the condition of the street. This road is owned and maintained by the state. They will be repaving Champlin Ave in 2023.
Trustee Morosco had no comment.
Trustee Constas also had nothing to report.
Trustee Sassone updated the board on the parks and band concert progress. We have once again teamed up with New York Mills and will be hosting band concerts alternating weeks with them. This will leave more money for a few family fun nights, movie nights etc. Trustee Sassone will have more information as the season gets closer.
Financial report was delivered as written and is on file at the clerk’s office.
Attorney Dillon had nothing to report at this time.
Police report was given by Chief Allen and is also written and on file in the clerk’s office.
DPW report was given superintendent Morosco who said hopefully the snow is over for the season and they will begin officially collecting green waste. Street sweeping will also begin soon.
Codes and zoning reports were written and on file at the clerk’s office.
Fire Department reported that they will be holding a Memorial Day Ceremony, more information to follow.
Zoning Board had no report as there was no meeting for the month of March.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to report that the Police Department will be purchasing body cameras. They have a sample from Axon that they are currently getting acquainted with and making sure all the information can be reachable by the DA’s office. This will cut down the amount of payroll hours needed to upload all files and footage of cases.
Mayor Mahoney asked the board meeting to be entered into executive session at 6:25pm to discuss contract negotiations. Motion 28-2022 to enter executive session was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
The board exited executive at 6:39pm and reopened the regular monthly meeting. No actions or motions were made while in executive session. A motion was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the 4-year contract for the DPW, all in favor 4-0. The contract will begin June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2026. The contract included a 3% rate increase for each of the four years, as well as the addition of a holiday and a personal day. The contract also included a provision that employees hired after June 1, 2022, will have single health care coverage at no cost to the employee. The two person and family plans will be offered at 25% of the premium, the Village will pay 75% of the premium.
The board then listened to members of the Fire Department present their request for a new ladder truck. The current ladder truck is 27 years old. If the village purchases a ladder truck now delivery will be in late 2023. The old ladder truck will be sold as soon as the new one is placed in service. The interest rates on the financing are rising steadily as is the cost of the truck. The pricing prior to April was increased once per year and is now being increased once a quarter. The truck would be a 90Ft ladder truck through Seagrave. The fire department is willing to pay towards the purchase of the truck. The board discussed the truck and asked questions about the need and the cost of the truck. This ladder truck would have a bucket platform and would have a multitude of uses. This could reach below ground, go above or below wires and would be able to keep the truck out of the collapse zone of a fire. This would make fighting the fire and rescues safer and more efficient. Motion 29-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the purchase of the fire truck, all in favor 4-0. The cost of the truck is $1,758,000.00.
The budget public hearing will be held on Wednesday April 13th at 5pm.
Motion 30-2022 to adjourn the meeting was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Stephanie Nowak
March 1, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present, Village Attorney John Dillon, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco, Zoning Officer John Constas, and Police Chief Frank Allen.
Motion 19-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 20-2022 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $36,991.81. Motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Jessica Pyrda of Oneida County Soil and Water Conservation District has been walking the Village of Yorkville this past year completing a tree inventory. This inventory identifies the species of trees in the Village. It also indicates what actions are needed for healthy trees. The tree inventory included future area of opportunities to plant new trees along with a suggestion of the specie of tree based on climate and mature growth size. Motion 21-2022 was made to accept the tree inventory by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
The Village of Yorkville volunteer fire department is seeking the Village of Yorkville board of Trustee’s approval to enter into an agreement with Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) that will give the end user national pricing rates on purchases. The agreement comes with no fee. Motion 22-2022 was made to approve the contract with HGAC by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 23-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the purchase of a tow trailer for the new Bobcat for the cost of $9995, motion received a second from Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0.
Public Comment was opened- There was a question about the display of the calendar on the new website. Also asked was if the Village Board Meetings would be displayed on the new LED Sign. Yes, all board meetings and public hearings will be on the sign. The sign currently is in a set up mode until the trainer from the company comes on March 3 to train us on how to use the software.
Deputy Mayor Collea commented that it is time to submit information for the Spring newsletter that will be assembled in the coming weeks.
Trustee Morosco stated that the new air compressor for the Fire Department has been installed and is running well. The compressor is used to fill the air packs that the fire fighters use when entering or near a burning building.
Trustee Constas said that the LED lighting project was completed in the municipal building and the highway garage. The front hallway for the boardroom had steel panels installed to replace the upper windows. Trustee Constas made the board aware that the village is currently getting quotes for replacing the roof on the municipal building. The cost will be high and breaking the roof into three separate sections may the only option for cost.
Trustee Sassone has been working on the budget for parks and recreation and would like to be able to include two family fun days this year, after the success of last year’s.
Financial Report is written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Attorney John Dillon had nothing to report.
Police Department report is written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office. Chief Frank Allen informed the board that he has been speaking with a company about body cameras. The officers had them in the past but unfortunately could not to continue to wear them because of the Discovery Law and the labor-intensive process to upload. New cameras come with a compatible software that uses far less labor for footage. When Chief Allen receives an official quote, he will submit it for approval.
Highway department was reported by superintendent Joseph Morosco as smooth running. This winter has seen fewer storms but there may more to come.
Codes department reports are written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Fire Department report given by Chief Jospeh Morosco wanted to thank the board for approving the purchase a hose roller and dryer and the compressor. This has helped to move the department forward.
Zoning Board report is written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Mayor Mahoney reported that the Village has received at home COVID test kits that we can distribute to the residents of Yorkville who need them. Mayor Mahoney meant with the supervisor of the Town of Whitestown to work on an agreement for sewer usage.
The Board has received a resignation from Police Officer Austin Szkotak effective February 21, 2022. Motion 24-2022 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea and seconded by Trustee Morosco to accept the resignation of Austin Szkotak, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 25-2022 was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone to adjourn the March Meeting at 6:16PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Stephanie Nowak
Village Clerk/Treasurer
February 01, 2022: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
February 1, 2022
January 4, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, and Adam J. Sassone. Also present, Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, and Chief Frank Allen. Excused from the meeting were Trustee Deborah L. Constas and Village Attorney John Dillon.
Motion 09-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 10-2022 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $43,698.69. Motion was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Mayor Mahoney announced that Frank Allen was promoted to Chief of Police at the January meeting pending Oneida County approval and acceptance of paperwork. Oneida County department of personnel has approved Frank Allen as Chief of Police for the Village of Yorkville. Mayor Mahoney read through Chief Allen’s qualifications, degree and trainings. Mayor Mahoney then asked all board members to join him for the swearing in of Chief Allen. The Bible was given to Anna Wanner, Chief Allen’s fiancé, to hold while Chief Allen read aloud the Oath of Office with his hand placed on the Bible. Congratulations to Chief Allen.
The Boilermaker committee has requested our permission and our assistance with policing and barricading roads to allow for the Boilermaker runners to safely run through the village. The Boilermaker will be returning to the summer this year with a date of July 10, 2022. Motion 11-2022 to approve was made Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Clerk Nowak has completed the Annual Review of Justice Court Records and found all areas to be recorded and up to date. There were no discrepancies to report. Motion 12-2022 was made to accept the report of the Annual Review of Justice Court Records by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 13-2022 was made by Trustee Sassone and seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve the final payments from EFC to close out the long-term sewer financing. Motion was approved 3-0.
Motion 14-2022 was made to accept a resolution that the Village of Yorkville will add an addition $8465 of funding to the purchase of communication radio for the fire department. The rest of the cost will be paid by the grant from DASNY of $60,000. Motion made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Mayor Mahoney introduced Christopher Fox. Christopher is a student at Utica College studying Cybersecurity, crime and fraud investigation. Christopher is from Sandwich, Massachusetts and will be interning at the Yorkville Police Department. Motion 15-2022 to approve Christopher fox as intern was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0.
This portion was opened for Public Comment: There was a question about the Village of Yorkville’s new website and if the view of the calendar could be changed. Clerk Nowak will investigate the issue. The other question was concerning the new sewer grant of $600,000. The resident wanted clarification that this was to begin a new project. The first sewer project began in 2017 and was just finalized this month with the repayment of a 3.5 Millon dollar low interest loan. This next phase will concentrate on storm water drains.
Deputy Mayor Collea had nothing to report.
Trustee Constas was excused from this meeting due to Covid.
Trustee Morosco reported that the Fire Department has been busy with mutual aid calls this month. Trustee Morosco wanted to request the permission of the board to some large purchases for the Fire Department. This money is available in the Fire Department contractual. The first item is for a hose real to assist with rolling the hoses and limiting the chance of an injury as the hose lengths are 50 feet and a heavy weight. The next request was for a hose dryer that can also be used as a dryer for turnout gear. The hose dryer currently is over 50 years old and does not function well.
Motion 16-2022 was made to approve those purchases by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 3-0.
Trustee Sassone wanted to congratulate Chief Allen. Trustee Sassone also stated that he is excited about looking into adding additional cameras throughout the village.
Financial was written and available for viewing at the Village of Yorkville clerk’s office.
Village Attorney was excused from this meeting.
Police Department was written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
John Constas for the DPW stated that everything is running well in the department. They are preparing for pending storm at the end of the week.
Codes Department reports are written and available for viewing at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department the new compressor has been installed and is running great.
Zoning report: No meeting was held in the month of December.
Mayor Mahoney again congratulated Chief Allen and announced that former Officer in Charge Patrick Collea has been appointed Investigator for the department and will continue to work closely with Chief Allen. Investigator Collea will be the lead and delegation officer in Chief Allen’s absence. Mayor Mahoney updated the board that once the Police Department civil service list is certified we will hire current part time officer Zachary Correnti as a full-time officer with the Village of Yorkville. Mayor Mahoney wanted to ask the boards permission for the purchase of a Bobcat. The Bobcat will serve a variety of duties and assist with snow removal. The payment will be made in this the 2021-2022 with delivery late in the fiscal year or early in fiscal year 2022-2023. Motion 17-2022 to approve the purchase of Bobcat was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0.
Motion 18-2022 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:18PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 3-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
January 04, 2022: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
January 4, 2022
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Officer Frank Allen.
Motion 01-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 02-2022 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $43,698.69. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
This portion was opened for Public Comment: A resident from Meyers Ave. spoke about the parking on the lawn that was once again occurring on the street. Officer Frank Allen will address this.
Motion 03-2022 was made to swear in the 2022 Line Officers for the Yorkville Fire Department. Mayor Mahoney will swear these officers in at the next meeting of the Fire Department later this month. Motion was made to approve by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Mayor Mahoney asked the approval of the Board of Trustees to purchase COVID at-home test kits, if needed. The Village will be receiving some form Oneida County but are unsure of the number of tests. The Board decided to table this motion until the number of tests received from the county is certain.
Motion 04-2022 was to approve the fire contract between the Village of Yorkville and the Town of Whitestown. This contract is for coverage in the Town referred to as the Fire District. The contract is for a period of three years with a payment from the Town of $60,423.60 each year. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 05-2022 was to approve a resolution for Clerk/Treasurer Nowak to perform the Justice Court Audit in the month of January. motion to approve made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 06-2022 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the replacement of fluorescent lighting to LED lighting in the Highway Garage Buildings and the entire Municipal Building. The lights were last updated in the buildings 10 years ago. It is time that the bulbs and ballasts will need to be repaired. The LED lights will eliminate the need for ballasts and will provide an energy savings. National grid is offering an incentive of $855 for the Highway and $3673 for the Municipal Building. Payback will be in 3 years from energy savings and will produce a combined savings of $231 per month after install. Trustee Constas made a second to this motion. All in favor 3-0. Trustee Sassone was opposed.
Deputy Mayor Collea asked for the permission of the Board of Trustees to appoint Officer Frank Allen as Chief of Police pending Oneida County approval. Trustee Constas made Motion 07-2022 to approve with Trustee Morosco as second, all in favor 4-0. Congratulations to Chief Allen.
Trustee Morosco said that bringing Santa around the Village was again, a fun time by all.
Trustee Constas had no report for this meeting.
Trustee Sassone had nothing to report at this time.
Financial was written and available for viewing at the Village of Yorkville clerk’s office.
Village Attorney did not have anything to report.
Police Department was written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office.
Joseph Morosco for the DPW stated that everything is running well in the department. Morosco stated that it has been nice to sleep with the lack of snow of this year. The Village is saving money on payroll and salt as normally they would have been out salting and plowing multiple times by this time of the year.
Codes Department reports are written and available for viewing at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department Chief Morosco updated the Board on the arrival of the new compressor which should be the first of February.
Zoning report: No meeting was held in the month of December.
Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Officer in Charge Patrick Collea for all he has done in the past for the Village. Patrick possesses a wealth knowledge and will remain on to help Frank Allen in his transition to Chief of Police. In June at the start of the new fiscal year, Patrick will continue to remain employed with the Village.
Motion 08-2022 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:13PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
Minutes Entries – Year 2021
December 07, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
December 7, 2021
The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley, Zoning Officer John Constas and Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco.
Motion 90-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 91-2021 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $208,180.09. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0.
Deputy Mayor Collea spoke about the Public Hearing hosted by the New York State Department of Transportation that was open to Village residents who will be directly affected by the Champlin Ave. roadway project. The project is slated to begin in 2023 and will include the complete reconstruction of Champlin Ave. from Caroline St. to Whitesboro St. The residents present at the hearing had concerns of losing parking, as the plans called for the widening of the street. Those concerns were discussed at the public hearing and again at a meeting between the Village of Yorkville and the State DOT. There is time to still discuss and revise the plans and was the reason for the public hearing. Trustee Collea wanted to thank the Yorkville DPW for doing a great job collecting leaves this season. The leaves did not sit at the curb for a long period of time. Trustee Collea also wanted to thank the Yorkville seniors for the invite to their annual Christmas Party. It was good to see everyone again after last years party not being held due to COVID.
Trustee Morosco wanted to thank Tom Sheehy from TAS Electronics for the donation of time to update and repair a laptop that will be used for the Fire Department to complete required reporting.
Trustee Constas reported that the gazebo in the West Whitesboro St. Park has been decorated. Trustee Constas also purchased and planted over 300 flower bulbs that will bloom year to year to decorate areas of the Village.
Trustee Sassone commented that maybe the Village of Yorkville could increase the amount for the sidewalk reimbursement program so that more residents would be able to take part in replacing sidewalks that need repair. Trustee Sassone also would like the Village to investigate adding additional cameras through out the village to help deter theft that has been occurring through out the Village and surrounding villages, towns, and cities.
Financial was written and available for viewing at the Village of Yorkville clerk’s office.
Village Attorney did not have anything to report.
Police Department reported that in complying with the transparency of the police Department, no officers have any documents in their file for violating any rules or procedures as listed in the Yorkville Rules and regulations handbook.
Joseph Morosco for the DPW stated that everything is running well in the department, they are ready for snowfall.
Codes Department reports are written and available for viewing at the Village Clerk’s office.
Fire Department reported that they will be visiting the Village with Santa on December 18th. They also reported that they need new members and if anyone was interested or new of anyone interested, they could call the Fire Department, stop in the Fire Department, and call the Village Clerk for information.
Zoning report was written and is available for viewing in the Village Clerk’s office.
Motion 92-2021 was to approve Local Law 8 and the revision to include a separate section for driveway permit application and the requirements and definition of driveway. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea and seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0.
Motion 93-2021 was made by Trustee Sassone to approve Local Law 9 which would add to Chapter 46 that a requirement for a building permit, zoning permit or zoning variance request or Zoning Board review would be that Village taxes must not be delinquent. Trustee Morosco seconded the motion and was approved 4-0.
Motion 94-2021 was to approve Local Law 10 to include the addition of tow rates for flatbed and tow truck services. Motion to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0.
Motion 95-2021 was made to approve hiring Zachary Correnti as a full time Police Officer with the Yorkville Police Department pending approval by Oneida County and approval through the Physical Fitness test.
Motion 96-2021 was made to approve the transfer of funds to cover an addition payment of funds of $288 for a sidewalk replacement payment. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0.
Meeting was opened for Public Comment. A resident from Meyers Ave. voiced concern for the Champlin Ave. project. The resident was afraid that the construction would force traffic down small village streets and cause problems. The project is still over a year out and that will be investigated as the project nears the start phase.
Mayor Mahoney mentioned again that Santa will be visiting the Village on Saturday December 18th with the fire department and the fire truck. Mayor wanted to let the public and members know that the Village will be adhering to the CDC recommendation of 3-feet apart and masks being worn inside the building. Mayor Mahoney reported that the LED sign has been ordered and construction for install will begin next week. Mayor also spoke about the Champlin Ave. project and that he is looking for alternated solutions with the State DOT so residents do not lose parts of their land and parking when there is so little parking options available as is.
Motion 97-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:27PM by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, All in favor 4-0.
Respectfully Submitted
Stephanie Nowak
November 03, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
November 3, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was present as well as Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley were also present. Also present for the monthly meeting was County Legislator, Chris Newton. Newton represents districts 13 and has always called Yorkville home. He wanted to stop by and make a meeting and check in on the Village of Yorkville and address anything anyone may want to discuss. Motion 79-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Motion 80-2021 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $41,243.89. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. This portion of the meeting was opened for public comment. We strongly urge all residents to call the Village Clerk with any questions they may have prior to the meeting. We do not always have the answer immediately and may have to take time to research the answer. If you call prior to the meeting, we can have answer for you at the meeting. We also want to urge all residents not to wait till a meeting if you have a pressing matter to discuss. Call the Village Clerk and she will direct you to the appropriate person. A resident from Meyers Ave. inquired about how the Codes Initiative was going. The Village is in the process of going through the neighborhood and getting codes violations corrected. As always it is a process, as the residents must be given time to correct the violation. Motion 81-2021 was made to approve a new Village Website through Go-Daddy. The website build cost will be $2200 with one year hosting free. 8 Email accounts with migration will be a total of $933. Per year. The e-mail through go-daddy will be a more secured platform than we are currently using. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0. Motion 82-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to purchase a new compressor for the Fire Department in the amount of $69,000.00. The compressor will be used to fill the air packs for the firefighters. Motion was approved 4-0. Motion 83-2021 was made to keep Cody Owens on as a Highway laborer through at least the month of March to assist with snow removal. Motion was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Clerk/Treasurer Nowak asked the Board for permission to transfer funds in the amount of $22,160.00 from A1620.4 Buildings and grounds to A5110.4 Street Maintenance. This will be used to cover the payroll expense for Cody. Motion 84-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco; seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Mayor Mahoney wanted to let everyone know that an LED sign for Village Communications will be an approved expense under the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Funding. The sign will improve communications with residents about pandemic precautions as well alert the residents to any special mandates. Motion 85-2021 to approve the payment of $38,280.00 was made by Trustee Morosco; seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0. Mayor Mahoney also informed the board of trustees and the present public that the Town of Whitestown fire contract proposal of a 2-cent increase year one and a 1 cent increase each of the four additional years of the contract was denied. The contract will most likely continue as is, as Mayor Mahoney does not see any other way of negotiating. Mayor Mahoney also do NOT want to leave anyone without fire coverage. The Village of Yorkville residents pay a tax to the Town of Whitestown. Questions are always raised as to what they as residents get from the paying this tax to the Town of Whitestown. The answer is simply that the State of New York mandates that tax payment, and further advises that the Towns do not have to provide the Villages with any services or show where that tax money is proportioned. There will be a Public Hearing at 5:15PM just prior to the monthly board meeting on December 7th. The Public Hearing will discuss a one change and one addition to the Village of Yorkville Code. The change will be removing the requirements for a driveway being located under the definition of driveway to a new section for Driveway. The addition the Village would like to add is to the documents required to obtain a Building or Zoning permit, and the request for Variances, Site Plan Reviews and Zoning Appeals. The additional document required would be proof that the Village of Yorkville taxes are not delinquent. Trustee Collea had nothing to report at this time. Trustee Morosco wanted to thank Mastrovito Hyundai for hosting the fund-raising event for the fire departments of New York Mills and Yorkville. It was a great turn out despite the weather. Trustee Constas had nothing to report at this time. Trustee Sassone updated the board on the playground grant from the WADAS foundation. The initial request was denied due to lack of people at the playground when the foundation visited in September. It was also stated that they felt the playground equipment was not old. Trustee Sassone is resubmitting with a request for a handicapped swing, parent/child swing and an activity board for the children to use. Trustee Sassone will be notified the end of November if the Village of Yorkville was granted this grant. Financial report is written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Village Attorney had nothing to report at this time. Police Department report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. DPW report was given by John Constas. They are getting the vehicles ready for snow plowing, picking up the leaves as they fall. We have not had a large enough frost yet to bring many of leaves down. Codes Reports are written and available to view at the Village Clerk’s Office. Fire Department informed everyone that Santa will once again be visiting the children of the Village, by going around the neighborhood on the Fire Truck. Zoning Report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. At this time Deputy Mayor Collea made Motion 86-2021 to enter executive session at 6:30PM to discuss pending litigation. All in favor 4-0. Motion 87-2021 was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone to exit executive session at 6:37PM, all in favor 4-0. There were no motions or actions taken during executive session. The Board members discussed some possibilities for safe activities that the Village can participate in with the residents and the Children for Christmas. The board brainstormed some ideas; stay tuned… Motion 88-2021 was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Morosco to adjourn the November meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees at 7:20PM. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer
October 05, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
October 5, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas. Trustee Sassone was excused for a work conference. Village Attorney John Dillon was also excused. Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Codes Enforcement Officer George Farley were also present. Also present for the monthly meeting was County Legislator, Chris Newton. Newton represents districts 13 and has always called Yorkville home. He wanted to stop by and make a meeting and check in on the Village of Yorkville and address anything anyone may want to discuss. Motion 74-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Motion 75-2021 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $107,020.16. Motion was made by Trustee Constas and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. This portion of the meeting was opened for public comment. We strongly urge all residents to call the Village Clerk with any questions they may have prior to the meeting. We do not always have the answer immediately and may have to take time to research the answer. If you call prior to the meeting, we can have answer for you at the meeting. We also want to urge all residents not to wait till a meeting if you have a pressing matter to discuss. Call the Village Clerk and she will direct you to the appropriate person. A resident from Meyers Ave. was present and commented that she was pleased to see the Codes Initiative that was included in the Village Newsletter. She also commented that people were still speeding on the street. Another resident from the same street inquired about increased activity with a nearby house. Both concerns will be forwarded to the Officer in Charge, Patrick Collea to address with his officers. Deputy Mayor Collea asked the Board to change the date of the November, Board of Trustees meeting due to the November elections that are being held on the same date and in the Board room. The Board agreed on a date of Wednesday November 3 at 6PM. Motion 76-2021 to approve made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0. Trustee Constas reported that she had decorated the Municipal Building with fall mums. All agreed that it looked nice. Trustee Morosco wanted to inform everyone that the Fire Department has decided to cancel the Roast Beef Dinner and the Halloween parade and party due to COVID. They just do not feel it is safe to have any gatherings while the number of active cases of COVID 19 continue to climb. Everyone is hoping that all normal activities and events will be able to return next year. Motion 77-2021 was made to begin looking into a new website for the Village. The Board members would like to see something that is user friendly on both the front and back ends. Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak will begin looking into website design specialists and gather some proposals and layouts. There was a notation to re-visit the Yorkville Seniors to return to normal monthly meetings upstairs in the Fire House. The Board felt that it was still not safe to have large groups of people gathering. They will revisit the issue again in December. Village Financial Report is written and on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Village Attorney John Dillon was not present. Police Report – The Village of Yorkville is looking into hiring another full-time officer. Highway is starting to get ready for the fall leaf pick up. The bulk trash pickup went well. It was one of the lowest amounts of tons of trash collected in a while. Fire Department will be having a pump test on Friday. Codes report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Zoning report is also written and on file in the Village Clerk’s office. Mayor Mahoney stated that the owner of 67 Whitesboro St. approached the Zoning Board concerning a sub-division of his property. He would like to sell of the building and retain some of the land that has frontage on Oriskany Blvd. The Zoning Board informed him of the process, and that Oneida County will have to give approval also. This property also has outstanding Codes violations that hopefully will be addressed soon. Trustee Sassone is not present but did forward some comments that Mayor Mahoney will present. Trustee Sassone has some concerns of the purchase of 67 Whitesboro St. they want to make apartments. This will need a variance from Zoning Board as the Village does not have an R2 district that would allow for a multiple dwelling property. Trustee Sassone has also been working the WADAS Foundation in asking for a grant for the Yorkville Park to update some of the playground equipment and add some handicapped swings and a parent/child swing. The WADAS foundation did not see a need for the Village of Yorkville to update their playground. They said the current equipment was not in deteriorating condition and when they visited the playground in September there were children at the playground. The Village will look into purchasing at least some handicapped options and hopefully be able to add it to the 2022-2023 budget if funds allow. Mayor Mahoney asked Trustee Constas who oversees the Codes and Zoning Departments to look into the home on Campbell Ave. that was struck with a fire on September 16th. The mayor would like to follow closely when the home will be demolished as this needs to be addressed because of safety risks. Clerk/Treasurer Nowak received the new enrollment information on the Village Health Insurance, this insurance will be increasing 9.03% starting in January. The Village did budget for an increase so this should not majorly impact the budget. Mayor Mahoney, along with the Mayors of New York Mills, Oriskany and Whitesboro have asked the Town of Whitestown for an increase in the monies received from the Fire Contract with the Town of Whitestown. Increased funding was denied. The contract has not yet been finalized. Mayor Mahoney informed the Board and the attending residents that the Town of Whitestown will be holding elections in November. Motion 78-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to adjourn the meeting at 6:23PM. Respectfully Submitted Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer Motion 78-2021 to adjourn the September meeting at 6:18PM was by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer
September 07, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
September 7, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Trustee Sassone was excused for a family emergency. Village Attorney John Dillon was also present as well as clerk Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Also present was Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco. Motion 69-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco to approve the previous months minutes and received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Motion 70-2021 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $120,699.22. Motion was made by Trustee Constas and seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. This portion of the meeting was opened for public comment. We strongly urge all residents to call the Village Clerk with any questions they may have prior to the meeting. We do not always have the answer immediately and may have to take time to research the answer. If you call prior to the meeting, we can have answer for you at the meeting. We also want to urge all residents not to wait till a meeting if you have a pressing matter to discuss. Call the Village Clerk and she will direct you to the appropriate person. A resident from Meyers Ave. was present to discuss speeding on the street. The same resident also commented on the lawns in the Village that have been neglected. Motion 71-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve the Codes initiative that the Village would like to circulate with the Fall newsletter. This will inform all residents of common codes violations and help to get some of these violations taken care of. Motion was approved 4-0. Motion 72-2021 was made to approve a flex shift for the highway department. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Deputy Mayor Collea reported that the Village of Yorkville Ethics Committee had their first meeting in August. The committee is made up of 3 and they will be meeting quarterly or sooner if an issue needs immediate attention. Trustee Sassone discussed the summer program that Yorkville partnered with New York Mills. The program was held at the grounds of the New York Mills school. This was a free program for Yorkville and New York Mills residents, as well as children who attend New York Mills School. The program included field trips, structured activities, and an end of summer party at the Yorkville Park. The Village of Yorkville looks forward to once again partnering with New York Mills for next summer. Trustee Sassone has a meeting soon with the WADAS foundation to see if the Village of Yorkville could obtain a grant for a new playground. The vision for this playground is to update the equipment, the surface and to have handicapped swings installed. We look forward to Adam’s update on this. Village Financial Report is written and on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Village Attorney John Dillon had nothing to discuss at this meeting. Police Report – The Village is going to be ordering boots for vehicles with unpaid tickets. Payment will have to be made for boots to be released. Highway has just completed the paving of Ney Ave and is pleased with the results. The Village was unable to pave the number of streets that are usually paved in the summer due to future storm water drain work that must be completed. The Village made the decision not to pave and then have to patch and repair the streets. Once the project for storm water drains is completed the paving will commence as normal. Codes report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Zoning report is also written and on file in the Village Clerk’s office. Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank Trustee Sassone for all his work with the park program and the summer concerts. Mayor Mahoney recognizes the amount of work that goes into each program. Mayor wanted to remind everyone of the Village Wide Garage sales September 17, 18 and 19th. The last heavy trash pick up of 2021 will be held on Friday, September 24th. Motion 73-2021 to adjourn the September meeting at 6:18PM was by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer
August 03, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
August 3, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas. Trustee Sassone was excused for a family emergency. Village Attorney John Dillon was also present as well as clerk Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Also present was Highway Superintendent Joseph Morosco and Zoning Enforcement Officer John Constas. Motion 64-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the minutes from the May meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees, all in favor 4-0. Motion 65-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the vouchers in the amount of $40,505.46, all in favor 4-0. Public comment was opened. A resident from Jones Place was present to address his concerns over his basement flooding. The month of July had 22 days of rain, residences all over the area have been experiencing flooding and water leakage in areas where it was not present in the past. There was discussion over installing a catch basin, but the Village does not own any property in that area to do so. The Highway Superintendent asked if he could be allowed into the basement during the next rain event. He said that would give him much needed knowledge of where the problem is originating. The resident did state that another property of his was getting a lot of water in the basement and the fire department was called and they were wonderful about helping them out. Thank you all for your comments, please remember that many of these can be addressed before waiting for a meeting. If you feel you have an issue with Grass, noise, codes violations or anything else of importance, please call the Village Clerk at 315-736-9391 and she can assist you immediately and direct your call to the appropriate individual. Motion 66-2021 was for Local Law 5-2021, to repeal in its entirety, the current zoning section of the Village of Yorkville Code of 135-22 Screening and Fencing Regulations. Motion was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, Seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 3-0. Motion 67-2021 was for Local Law 6-2021 that would enact new section 135-22 Screening and Fencing Regulations of the Code of the Village of Yorkville. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 3-0. Motion 68-2021 was to approve Local Law 7-2021. Local Law 7-2021 would make it possible for the Village of Yorkville Police Department to place a boot on a vehicle with outstanding, unpaid parking violations. Motion to approve was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 3-0. Motion 69-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve a resolution allowing Justice Kulaga to apply for the 2021-2022 JCAP Grant. All in favor of approving the resolution, 3-0. Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank Trustee Sassone for his hard work toward Yorkville’s first Family Fun Night in the Park. The night was sponsored by Stewart’s Shops and free ice cream for the first 150 guests. It was a great turn out and a hot night. The Yorkville Fire Department was present and even turned on the hose to let the kids run through and cool off. The Village of Yorkville would like to thank Stewart’s Shops for helping to make the first annual Yorkville Family Fun Night in the Park a huge success. Deputy Mayor Collea announced that the Village is purchasing an F-250 for a highway vehicle. The Village will be trading in the 2012 F-250 and receiving $12,000 towards the purchase of the new vehicle. Trustee Morosco had no comment. Trustee Constas had nothing to report. Trustee Sassone was excused from this meeting. Financial report was written and is on file in the clerk’s office for review. Village Attorney John Dillon did not have anything to report. Police Department report was written. Highway reported that all things have been running well and the street paving will begin soon. The village is unable to pave as many streets as in the past due to Storm drain work to performed in the future. Codes reports are written and on file for review. Fire Department- nothing to report Zoning report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank all the residents that were present and to once again encourage everyone that if there is an issue they feel they need the help of the Village that they can contact us at any time, and do not need to wait for a board meeting. Motion 70-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:26pm by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer
July 06, 2021: Yorkville Village Organizational Meeting
Meeting was held on Tuesday July 6, 2021, at 5:30 PM Present were Mayor Michael A. Mahoney, Deputy Mayor James G. Collea; Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS WERE MADE TO SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD FOR ONE YEAR: Zoning and Codes Enforcement Officers John Constas George Farley Historian Vacant Fire Equipment Caretaker Joseph Morosco Attorney John W. Dillon Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Vacant MOTION 50-2021 To accept the above appointments was made by: Trustee Morosco SECONDED BY: Trustee Constas AYES 4 NAYS 0 ADOPTED JULY 6, 2021 THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS WERE MADE TO SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE BOARD FOR TWO YEARS: Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak Registrar Stephanie Nowak Deputy Registrar Nicholas Morosco MOTION 51-2021 To accept the above appointments was by: Deputy Mayor Collea Seconded by: Trustee Sassone AYES 4 NAYS 0 ADOPTED JULY 6, 2021 Official Meeting Night- First Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM. Approval of vouchers by Board Members at 5:30PM prior to the regular meeting, in the Board Room of the Municipal Building. Organizational Meeting- First Tuesday in July 2022 at 5:30PM in the Board Room of the Muncipal Building. Official Banks – Adirondack Bank of Whitesboro and Berkshire Bank of Whitesboro. Official Newspaper- Utica Observer Dispatch. Motion 52-2021 to accept designated dates and vendors made by: Trustee Morosco Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea Ayes 3 Nays 1 Adopted July 6, 2021 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOLS AND CONFERENCES A. New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials by NYCOM B. The Annual Training School for Fiscal Officers and Municipal Clerk conducted by NYCOM C. Training Schools for Codes Officers, Zoning Officers all Board Members and other pertinent seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools conducted by various organizations and societies, Cooperative Extension and local Colleges and Whereas, it is determined by the Board of Trustees that attendance by certain Municipal Officials, Appointees and Employees at one or more of these and other similar seminars, meetings, training sessions, and schools benefit the Municipality. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED: Section 1. That the following officers and appointees are hereby authorized to attend seminars, meetings, conferences, training sessions and schools – Mayor Mahoney, Trustees Collea, Constas, Morosco and Sassone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, Attorney Dillon, Codes Officer Farley, Zoning Officer Constas, Justice Kulaga, Members of the Zoning Boards and those deemed appropriate by the Board of Trustees at a time announced. Section 2. That this resolution shall take place immediately. MOTION 53-2021 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone Seconded by: Trustee Constas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 RESOLUTION RELATING TO OPEN MEETING LAW Whereas, there are times that the Mayor calls a special meeting to resolve a matter at hand, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That when a special meeting is called by the Mayor- a. He or the Clerk shall notify each Board Member in person or by telephone advising each member of the time and location of the Special Meeting; b. The Clerk shall issue a Notice of Special Meeting, one copy of which shall be posted by the back door of the Board Room entrance and another notice on the bulletin board near the inside Board Room entrance of the Truck Room; c. In the event that there is sufficient time to give notice of the Special Meeting being called, a notice may be mailed to each Board Member; d. A copy of the notice shall be given to the media; e. A notice shall be made on the Village webpage calender. This Resolution shall take place immediately. Motion 54-2021 to accept above resolution made by: Trustee Morosco Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Collea Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 RESOLUTION REGARDING PROCUREMENT POLICY WHEREAS, Municipal Law requires all Municipalities to adopt procurement policies effective January 1, 1972, and WHEREAS, the Village adopted a Procurement Policy on December 11, 1991 as listed in the CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, chapter 25 starting on page 2501. NOW THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED That it should be the policy that goods and services which are not required by law to be bid, may be procured by obtaining proposals or quotes as refernced in Chapter 25-4, Methods of Purchase of the above CODE OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, NEW YORK, not to exceed the bid limits of $10,000 for purchase contracts and $20,000 for work contracts. This Resolution shall take effect immediately; and shall be reviewed yearly. Motion 55-2021 to accept above Resolution made by: Deputy Mayor Collea Seconded by: Trustee Morosco Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 ADVANCE APPROVAL OF CLAIMS WHEREAS, all such claims shall be presented for audit at the regular meeting, and WHEREAS, the claimant and officer incurring or approving the same, shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight, express charges, insurance and bills for refuse, and court fines, such claims shall be presented at the next regular meeting for audit and the claimant or officer incurring or approving same shall be jointly and severally liable for any amount disallowed by the Board of Trustees. This resolution shall take place immediately. Motion 56-2021 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Sassone Seconded by:Trustee Constas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 RESOLUTION FOR SET WORK DAY AND SALARY WHEREAS, NYS has required the Village of Yorkville to set a standard workday and salary for all appointed and elected employees, a schedule has been set and is included in this Resolution. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the board of Trustees requires each elected and appointed employee report their hours of work for the Village, for each of three pay periods after appointment or election to the Village Clerk. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion 57-2021 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Constas Seconded by: Trustee Sassone Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF MILEAGE ALLOWANCE WHEREAS, Village Law 5-524 provides that the actual and necessary expenses of all Officers and employees incurred in the performance of duties shall be a Village charge, The Board of Trustees determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage reimbursement to Officers and employees of the Village who use their personal vehicles while performing their official duties on behalf of the Village of Yorkville outside the Village of Yorkville. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Section 1. That the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such Officers and Employees at the rate of .56 cents per mile outside the Village of Yorkville. Section 2. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion 58-2021 to accept above Resolution made by: Trustee Morosco Seconded by: Trustee Constas Ayes 4 Nays 0 Adopted July 6, 2021 Mayor Mahoney named his official Family: Mayor Mahoney, Chief Financial Officer and oversees all departments. Deputy Mayor James G. Collea Police Chairman James G. Collea Fire Chairman David Morosco Tax Assesment Review Chairman Deborah L. Constas Highway, Refuse, Sewers Chairman Adam J. Sassone Buildings and Grounds Chairman Deborah L. Constas Parks and Recreation Chairman Adam Sassone Zoning and Codes Chairman Deborah L. Constas Jutice Court Liason Chairman James G. Collea Law Revisions Chairman David J. Morosco Finance Chairman Michael A. Mahoney Loss Prevention Chairman David J. Morosco Civil Defense Chairman Michael A. Mahoney Website Coordinator Adam J. Sassone MOTION 59-2021 to adjourn made by: Trustee Sassone Seconded by: Trustee Collea All in favor 4-0, Passed. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer 07/06/2021
July 06, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
July 6, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone, Village Attorney John Dillon was also present as well as clerk Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Motion 60-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the minutes from the May meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees, all in favor 4-0. Motion 61-2021 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the vouchers in the amount of $166,648.26, all in favor 4-0. Public comment was opened. Two residents were present from Meyers Ave., with concerns about water issues into their properties and Karam’s Bakery making a larger parking lot. The residents mentioned that when there was a fence installed by Karam’s they did not have this issue of water flowing into their property. They were also concerned with some noise that was coming from the building in the early hours. The Village Codes Enforcement Officer will have to investigate the records on file and see if Karam’s Bakery was required to have a fence. They will also look into the parking situation. The Village DPW will also be involved with looking into the water flow and see if there is any other solution that can offered, as a fence does not usually stop a water flow issue. Thank you all for your comments, please remember that many of these can be addressed before waiting for a meeting. If you feel you have an issue with Grass, noise, codes violations or anything else of importance, please call the Village Clerk at 315-736-9391 and she can assist you immediately and direct your call to the appropriate individual. Paul LaBella president of the Yorkville seniors has asked the Village Board permission to resume their meetings once a month upstairs in the firehouse. The seniors meeting had been on hold until June when they could meet outside at a neighboring facility. The board discussed the request and concerns were brought up about the safety of other individuals and volunteer firefighters that share the same space. Mayor Mahoney asked for a motion to approve the Yorkville Seniors meeting upstairs at the firehouse. Trustee Sassone made motion to approve there was no second to his motion. Not Carried. Motion 62-2021 was made to approve a resolution to allow for GHD Associates, an engineering firm, helping with the storm water issues, to apply for a grant to help repair the issues that have been found. GHD will apply on the behalf of the Village of Yorkville at no cost to the Village. Trustee Morosco made motion and Deputy Mayor Collea seconded the motion; all in favor 4-0. Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank the Fire Department, Highway Department and the Police Department for their hard work and help during the Summer Storm. Trustee Morosco commentated on the Chicken BBQ; it went great. He also mentioned that the Fire Department fund raiser letters had been sent out. Trustee Constas had nothing to report. Trustee Sassone was excited to report that the Summer Concerts were coming back to the park this year, starting this Thursday July 8th. Stewarts is going to help sponsor a family fun night that will include free ice cream for the first 150 people. Trustee Sassone is hoping to also get a bounce house for that night. Trustee Sassone reported that he has been working on a grant to cover the cost of new playground equipment at the park. Trustee Sassone is hoping that if the grant is awarded to the Village, we can update the play equipment and install some handicapped accessible swings. Trustee Sassone is also leading the village in a website redesign. The website would be more user friendly to the residents and also the staff that will have to maintain it. Financial report was written and is on file in the clerk’s office for review. Village Attorney John Dillon did not have anything to report. Police Department report was written. Highway reported that all things have been running well. Codes reports are written and on file for review. Fire Department- The first ever drive thru Chicken BBQ was a success. Zoning report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Mayor Mahoney wanted to also thank the members of the Police Department, Highway and Fire Department for helping during the storm and with the clean up in the following days. The Flags this year were not up as they should have been, and he apologized for dropping the ball. The flags were up by Sunday July 3rd. Motion 63-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:35pm by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer
June 01, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
June 1, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone, Village Attorney John Dillon was also present as well as clerk Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Motion 46-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve the minutes from the May meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees, all in favor 4-0. Motion 47-2021 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the vouchers in the amount of $172,308.78, all in favor 4-0. Public comment was opened. Several residents from the area of West Highland Ave. were present to speak about an Auto business that was operating at all hours of the evening and through the night. The lights, noise and exhaust fumes were troubling to the residents. The Codes Enforcement Officer will be looking into this matter. A resident from Arnold Ave. was present to speak about other residents placing their garbage outside for pick up earlier than the 6pm Village Local Law. The mayor will ask the Police to look into this. There was also a resident present from Arnold Ave. to speak about grass not being maintained and cut on her street. The Zoning Officer who takes care of grass violations will be notified and had just sent out his first round of violation letters. A resident from Meyers Ave. spoke about a mud hole at the end of his street, the Village DPW will look at this ASAP. Thank you all for your comments, please remember that many of these can be addressed before waiting for a meeting. If you feel you have an issue with Grass, noise, codes violations or anything else of importance, please call the Village Clerk at 315-736-9391 and she can assist you immediately and direct your call to the appropriate individual. Motion 48-2021 The Mayor asked permission to have the Dodge Durango, the highway vehicle, placed on Auctions International for sale. Motion to approve was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank Deborah Constas for the flowers she planted around the firehouse and the park. Trustee Morosco wanted to remind everyone that the Fire Department will hold its annual Chicken BBQ fund raiser on Sunday June 6th. It will start at noon and be set up as a drive thru. Trustee Sassone was excited to announce that the Village is going to resume its summer concerts in the park. Trustee Sassone has invited some new bands, as well as our staple performers. Stewarts will be helping us out this summer and serving ice cream during one of our concerts. Financial report was written and is on file in the clerk’s office for review. Village Attorney John Dillon did not have anything to report. Police Department Officer in Charge Collea reported that the Village will finally be receiving a speed trailer to place on some streets of the Village to alert drivers of their speed. Highway reported that all things have been running well. Codes reports are written and on file for review. Fire Department- again the Chicken BBQ is on JUNE Th. Zoning report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Motion 49-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:22pm by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer
May 04, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
May 04, 2021 The April meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Deputy Mayor James G. Collea. Present were Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was available via telephone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak was present. Mayor Mahoney was absent from this meeting. The meeting was lead with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion 40-2021 to approve the minute from last months meeting was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Motion 41-2021 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $67,048.56 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0. Public Comment was opened, a resident from Myers Ave wanted to say thank you to Patrick Collea for his hard work with the Police Reform Initiative. This resident also wanted to mention the top of Myers is becoming a mud hole and would like this taken care of. A resident of Calder Ave. wanted to thank the DPW employees for taking care of the area on his lawn where they removed a tree. The Board discussed the option of purchasing a used street sweeper for $25,000. Joe Morosco, Highway Superintendent went and looked at the sweeper and had pictures. It has been well maintained and is in good working order. Motion 42-2021 was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone to purchase the Street Sweeper, all in favor 4-0. Trustee Sassone reported that he has all the concerts scheduled for the park this summer. They will begin Thursday, July 8th. He has some new bands performing, introducing some variety. He is also planning a few family fun nights that will be sponsored by some local businesses. Trustee Sassone is hoping to get some food trucks to be present for these evenings. Financial report was written and is on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Attorney John Dillon had nothing to report at this time. Officer in Charge Patrick Collea wanted to mention a bike program they are hoping to initialize soon. This will help with bicycle theft and get Officers into the community to interact with residents and children. The Officers would come to your residence and photograph your bicycle(s) then tag them with a barcode and enter them into a system to track the owners. When a bicycle is recovered from a theft or left somewhere the Officers will be able to enter the assigned number and locate the owner. Many times, bicycles are recovered and there is no way to find the owner if they do not call the Police Department and report that it was missing. The Fire Department is having a Chicken BBQ on June 6th. This will be drive thru only, starting at noon until sold out. Motion 43-2021 to enter executive session at 6:18PM to discuss a personnel matter was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Motion 44-2021 to exit executive session and return to the monthly meeting at 6:47PM was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. There were no motions made or actions taken during executive session. Motion 45-2021 to adjourn the May monthly meeting at 6:48PM was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer
April 06, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting and Public Hearing
April 06, 2021 2021-2022 Budget Public Hearing Mayor Mahoney called the hearing to order at 5:00PM. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak was also present. Excused from the Public Hearing was Village Attorney John Dillon, he was although waiting on standby near his phone if anyone had questions. The proposed budget contained a pay increase of 3% for Police and Highway employees as specified in the Teamsters Union contract. There was no pay increase for The Mayor or any of the members of the Board of Trustees. All medical and liability insurance was increased by 12-15% due to the raising cost. Fuel for the Police Department was increased by 25% because of the rising cost of fuel. All money remained in the proposed budget for concerts in the park and a park monitor in the summer months. The board of Trustees are hoping to return to all summer functions. The VILLAGE Tax rate will remain the same at $12.22 per thousand. One resident was present for the Public Hearing at 5:15PM because of a scheduling error made by the Clerk/Treasurer. Motion 27-2021 was introduced by Trustee Sassone to adjourn the Public Hearing at 5:12PM, the motion received a second from Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. April 06, 2021 The April meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea as well as Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Village Attorney John Dillon was available via telephone and Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak was present. The meeting was lead with the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion 28-2021 to approve the minute from last months meeting was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. Motion 29-2021 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $126,482.56 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea and seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. Motion 30-2021 to adopt the 2021-2022 budget was made by Deputy Mayor Collea. Roll call vote: Mayor Mahoney Yes Trustee Morosco Yes Deputy Mayor Collea Yes Trustee Constas Yes Trustee Sassone Yes Motion 31-2020 to approve the Town of Whitestown to collect the taxes for the Village of Yorkville was made by Trustee Sassone seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. This portion of the meeting was opened for public comment. A resident from Myers Ave wanted to address the Board and comment on the Police Reform and Collaborative Initiative. In the Reform Initiative it states that a yearly report complied of complaints, use of force and compliments will be released to the public. The resident suggested that maybe that be released more than on a yearly basis. The reform also cited the establishment of Officers on bike patrol. The resident suggested that the Officers would be able to reach out to more residents if they were on foot patrol. Some other suggestions made were to have a time to meet the Officers and to introduce new officers to the board and residents by having them at the monthly meetings. These suggestions have been given to the Officer in Charge, Patrick Collea as well as Deputy Mayor James G. Collea and Trustee David J. Morosco to be addressed. Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak asked permission from the Board to transfer $60,000.00 from Contingent Account A1990.4 to the Street Maintenance Account A5110.4 for the purchase of a new multi-use highway vehicle. Motion 32-2021 to approve the transfer of funds was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Collea; all in favor 4-0. As the Village of Yorkville is required by the Department of Health to have a deputy Registrar, Motion 33-2022 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to appoint Nicholas Morosco as Deputy Registrar, motion was seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 3-0. Trustee David J. Morosco abstained from voting. The Village Board of Trustees discussed the purchase of 606 Calder Ave. for a Police Department. The building inspection was reviewed and in conclusion was decided that the repairs that would have to be made to the building were out of the scope that the Board of Trustees was willing to accept. Motion 34-2021 to terminate the contract to purchase 606 Calder Ave was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 4-0. Deputy Mayor Collea reported that the License plate reader for the Police Department was received and will be installed shortly. He also reported that the Police Officers will be fitted for new protective vests on April 13th. Trustee Morosco had nothing to report. Trustee Constas had nothing to report. Trustee Sassone reporting that he will begin to book musicians for Yorkville’s concerts in the park. He would like to again have a cookout night and try to get some food trucks. Trustee Sassone also requested permission to begin researching Capital Campaign funding and grants to improve the current playground for the residents of our Village. Financial report was written, a copy can be obtained at the Village Clerk’s Office. Village Attorney was phoned and had nothing to report at this time. Police report was given by Deputy Mayor Collea. Highway reported that everything was going well, and winter cleanup was on track. Codes reports were written and are available at the Village Clerks Office. Fire report by Fire Chief Joseph Morosco, they have restarted their training that was put on hold due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. They will also be commencing with the annual Chicken BBQ, but it will be only drive through. Zoning report was written and is available at the Village Clerk’s Office. Mayor Mahoney asked for permission from the Board to have an area of the Robak Park paved. Motion 34-2021 to approve the paving was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Motion 35-2021 to adjourn the monthly meeting at 6:29PM was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0. Discussion was continuing beyond the meeting, Mayor Mahoney asked that someone make a motion to repoen the April Monthly meeting. Trustee Sassone made Motion 36-2021 to re-open, and Trustee Constas seconded the motion, all in favor 4-0. The Board discussed opening the parks now that the numbers of positive COVID cases were dropping. Motion 37-2021 was made to re-open the parks by Trustee Sasson, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Motion 38-2021 to adjourn the April meeting was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak
March 02, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting and Public Hearing
03/04/2021 Public Hearing Mayor Michael A. Mahoney called the Public Hearing to order at 5:30PM. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea as well as Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas. Also present was Clerk/Treasurer a Stephanie Nowak. The purpose of the public hearing was to inform the public of proposed Local Law 3-2021 for the addition of stop intersections. 127-41 Schedule IX – Stop Intersections. The stop signs will be added on Fairview Ave traveling East at Russell and at Fairview Ave. traveling West at Russell. There was no one present to comment on proposed Local Law 3-2021. Local Law 4-2021 was for proposed no parking at Hillcrest Ave. to Deroe on the West Side and no parking at Hillcrest to Campbell Eastside. This will allow for parking from Deroe to Campbell. There were two residents present from Meyers Ave. One resident was in full support of the no parking and the other had no comment either way. Motion 17-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to adjourn the Public Hearing at 5:40PM All in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer 03/04/2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present was Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco and Deborah L. Constas as well as clerk Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. Trustee Adam J. Sassone was excused from this meeting. Motion 18-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the minutes from the February meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees, all in favor 3-0. Motion 19-2021 was made by Deputy Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve the vouchers in the amount of $39,677.83, all in favor 3-0. There was no public comment during this meeting. Motion 20-2021 to approve the Line Officers of the Yorkville Fire Hose Company was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea; all in favor 3-0. Motion 21-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to approve the Boilermaker Road Race on October 10, 2021, and provide assistance with barricading streets and providing traffic safety, all in favor 3-0. Motion 22-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco to accept the resignation of Part Time Police Officer Shawn Occhipinti, all in favor 3-0. Motion 23-2021 to hold the 2021-2022 Budget Public Hearing on prior to the monthly meeting April 6th, was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 3-0. Motion 24-2021 to approve Local Law 3 and Local Law 4 was made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 3-0. Deputy Mayor Collea would like to get started on the Spring newsletter. Trustee Morosco reported on the approved Village of Yorkville Fire and Hose line officers. Trustee Constas would like to research ways to improve the communication that recycling containers must have lids on them to avoid papers being blown around the Village. The Highway commissioner will speak the Superintendent Morosco and brainstorm some ideas for this situation. Financial report was written and is on file in the clerk’s office for review. Village Attorney John Dillon did not have anything to report. Police Department was reported by Deputy Mayor Collea, that OIC Patrick Collea has been working on finalizing the Police Reform outline. Highway reported that all things have been running well. Codes reports are written and on file for review. Fire Department no report. Zoning report was written and is on file at the Village Clerk’s office. Motion 25-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:14pm by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas, all in favor 3-0. Respectfully Submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer
February 02, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting and Public Hearing
Public Hearing February 2, 2021 The Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees held a Public Hearing on February 2, 2021 at 5:15PM to discuss the amendment to Village Local Law, Chapter 86 -Noise and the amendment of Chapter 127.41 Stop Intersections. Present for the Public Hearing were Mayor Michael A. Mahoney, Deputy Mayor James G. Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sasson. Also present was Stephanie Nowak, Village Clerk/Treasurer. Mayor Mahoney opened the Public Hearing at 5:15PM. This amendment would add construction vehicle and equipment to the noise disturbance list and put in place times of operation allowed. The times suggested are between the hours of 9PM and 7AM. This also allows for exceptions for emergency construction or repair work as well as noise from any emergency response team. The second amendment discussed was to amend Chapter 127.41 Stop intersections to include the addition of three stop signs. The First stop sign would be added at Highland Avenue traveling east to the intersection of Tabor Place. The second stop sign would be added at Highland Avenue traveling West to Tabor Place. The third stop sign would be added at Hillcrest Avenue traveling West to the intersection of Meyers Avenue. There was no public present to comment, and no one had contacted the Village Clerk for additional details. Mayor Mahoney asked for a motion the close the Public Hearing at 5:25PM. Motion to close was made by Trustee Constas, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. Respectfully submitted, Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk/Treasurer February 2, 2021 The regular monthly meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Present were Deputy Mayor James G. Collea and Trustees; David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas, Adam J. Sassone. Also present was Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Mayor Mahoney. Mayor Mahoney asked everyone to remain standing for a moment of silence for past Assistant Fire Chief, Thomas Morosco. Motion 7-2021 was made to approve the minutes of the January meeting by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor James Collea; all in favor 4-0. Motion 8-2021 to approve the vouchers in the amount of $44,307.08 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea, seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. This portion of the meeting was opened for public comment. The Mayor pointed out that public comment during a Village Board Meeting is a courtesy and not a requirement. A resident from Meyers Ave. was present to speak about an individual who has been parking on Meyers Ave. This issue was discussed at the January Meeting and after researching the parking on the Meyers Ave. it was found that the no parking sign is not a legal sign. Thus, meaning that the no parking sign was never officially added to the Village of Yorkville Code. Also meaning that the Police can not issue a ticket to anyone who is parked on that street. The Officer in Charge Patrick Collea will begin a study to determine if a no parking sign is in fact needed for that Street. This will include a traffic study, speaking with residents of that street and with the Highway Superintendent about snowplow access and the Fire Chief about emergency vehicle passage. Motion 9-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to approve the amendment to Village of Yorkville code chapter 86 Noise and was seconded by Trustee Morosco; all in favor 4-0. Motion 10-2021 was made by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the addition of three stop sign to the Village of Yorkville Code Chapter 127.41, all in favor 4-0. Motion 11-2021 was made by Trustee Morosco and seconded by Trustee Constas to approve the Justice Court Review as conducted by Village Clerk/Treasurer Stephanie Nowak, all in favor 4-0. Motion 12-2021 was made to approve the extension of the contract between The Village of Yorkville and Municipal Solutions for continued sewer work support by Trustee Sassone seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Financial report is in writing and is on file at the Village Clerks office for review. Attorney John Dillon was excused from this meeting. Police report was written and available at the Village Clerks office. Highway all is going well; the team did a great job with the snowstorm last night and today. Codes reports are written as well as the Zoning Board report. All are on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Motion 13-2021 was made by Trustee Sassone seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea to enter executive session to discuss personnel matters with Justice Kulaga. No motions or actions were taken during executive session, the regular meeting was returned to at 6:53PM. Mayor Mahoney asked the Board members to continue to work on the budgets for their respective departments. We do not know what the future has in store for us as far as opening the parks and holding band concerts. The COVID-19 vaccine has begun to be distributed to the elderly and at risk and those who are in direct contact with COVID-19 patients. We are looking forward to getting back to a new normal as soon as we can. Motion 14-2021 was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:04PM by Trustee Sassone, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted Stephanie Nowak Village Clerk Treasurer
January 05, 2021: Yorkville Village Board Meeting
January 5, 2021 The meeting was called to order at 6PM by Mayor Michael A. Mahoney. Attending this months Board of Trustee meeting were Deputy Mayor James Collea, Trustees David J. Morosco, Deborah L. Constas and Adam J. Sassone. Stephanie Nowak Village clerk/Treasurer and Patrick Collea Officer in Charge were also present. Excused from this meeting is Village Attorney John Dillon. Motion 1-2021 was to approve the minutes from last months meeting made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Motion 2-2021 was to approve the vouchers in the amount of $38,616.58 made by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone; all in favor 4-0. Public comment was from a resident on Myers Ave. There has been a recent parking issue with a vehicle parking on the corner of Myers Ave. and Hillcrest. The Officer in Charge said he would make sure it is taken care of. Motion 3-2021 was made to approve the hire of Zachary Correnti as Part-Time Police Officer. This motion was introduced by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Deputy Mayor Collea, all in favor 4-0. Deputy Mayor Collea wanted to thank everyone who was involved in decoration Memorial Park and the Fire Dept. Trustee Morosco had nothing to report at this time. Trustee Constas had nothing to report Trustee Sassone wanted to thank the Fire Department Members for still coming around with Santa for the children even amid the Corona Virus Pandemic, social distancing was practice and the children loved seeing Santa drive by on the Fire Truck. Financial report is written and on file at the Village Clerk’s Office. Village Attorney was excused from this meeting. Police report was delivered by Officer in Charge Patrick Collea. He asked that he be supplied with all the email addresses of the trustees so that he may send them the file reports and activity logs for the officers on a weekly basis. He also wanted to Thank Officer Auatin Szkotak for his arrest that led to removing another gun off our streets. Deputy Mayor Collea reported on behalf of the highway department. All has been going well so far with the few weather events we have experienced. The Trash and Recycle days were changed due to the Holiday, and much of the Village residents were not in compliance. Superintendent Joseph Morosco and employee Mark Weigel were out on Christmas Day cleaning up the village. Codes report was written and on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Fire report, Trustee Morosco reported that all members were being as careful as possible and trying to remain safe while keeping the safety of the Village in mind. Zoning report was written and is on file in the Village Clerk’s Office. Mayor Mahoney wanted to thank the Department heads for their effort in conserving the amount of spending we do. The numbers have showed an incredible effort. Mayor Mahoney also requested that all members begin working with department heads to start the budget process during next month’s meeting. The Mayor wanted to say thank you to a local business The FountainHead group for their generous donation of two backpack disinfectant sprayers and three handheld disinfectant sprayers to the Village. This donation is being used to help control the spread of the Corona Virus at the village buildings and vehicles. Motion 4-2021 was made by Deputy Mayor Collea to enter executive session at 6:23PM, motion was seconded by Trustee Morosco, all in favor 4-0. Motion 5-2021 was made to exit executive session at 6:53pm by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Sassone, all in favor 4-0. Motion 6-2021 was made to adjourn the January meeting of the Yorkville Board of Trustees, by Trustee Morosco, seconded by Trustee Constas; all in favor 4-0. Respectfully Submitted Stephanie Nowak Clerk/Treasurer