

Garbage Collection every Thursday

Garbage will be collected every Thursday unless a holiday interrupts this schedule, if that does occur the new collection day will posted on the Village Website and also in the calendar section of the website. Garbage MUST be in Yorkville garbage bag. These are available for purchase at, Chantry's, Cliffs, Holland Farms, Parkway Drug Store,…


Zoning Board Meeting 7PM

Municipal Building Yorkville 30 Sixth St., Yorkville, NY, United States

The Zoning Board meeting will be held at 7PM in the Board Room of the Municipal Building at 30 Sixth St. Yorkville.

2022-2023 Budget Public Hearing

There will be a public hearing on the 2022-2023 Village of Yorkville budget. The hearing will be held on April 13th at 5pm in the board room of the Municipal Building located at 30 Sixth St. Yorkville.

Village Board Meeting

The Village of Yorkville Board of Trustees has their monthly Board Meeting on the First Tuesday of each month. If an event impacts the date of the meeting, the changed date will be posted on the Calendar.

Organizational Meeting

Municipal Building Yorkville 30 Sixth St., Yorkville, NY, United States